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Barack Obama To Swear In As 44th US President

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  • Barack Obama To Swear In As 44th US President

    20.01.2009 13:07

    US President Elect Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony will start at
    7 p.m. Yerevan time tonight. It will be opened by the chorus of the
    military navy of the United States. It will be followed by prayer,
    after which Joe Biden will swear in as Vice-President.

    With one hand on the bible used at Abraham Lincoln's 1861 inauguration,
    but not since, Barack Obama will swear to preserve, protect and defend
    the US Constitution to the best of his ability.

    He will deliver one of the most eagerly anticipated inaugural addresses
    in history.

    After the ceremony, the new occupant of the White House will wave
    goodbye to his predecessor, before joining the new Vice-President and
    congressional leaders to feast on pheasant and duck at the traditional
    inaugural lunch.

    Following that, there will be the inaugural parade and a long, long
    night of ball-going for the new First Couple.

    Before that, on Monday Mr. Obama paid tribute to Dr King and
    urged Americans to work together in "renewing the promise of this
    nation." Americans marked the annual public holiday in memory of
    black civil rights leader Martin Luther King - on the eve of Barack
    Obama's inauguration.

    Obama reflected that Tuesday's inauguration ceremony would take place
    on the same mall where many thousands gathered in 1963 to hear Martin
    Luther King's so-called "I Have A Dream"=2 0speech - in which he
    foresaw a day when people would be judged not by the colour of their
    skin. For many Barack Obama's presidency will be the culmination of
    Dr King's dream

    Crowds are gathering in Washington DC ahead of Barack Obama's swearing
    in as President of the United States. According to Police data, about
    5 million people have arrived in the capital for the inauguration.

    Washington is preparing for the ceremony. There have already been
    painstaking preparations, with rehearsals for security officials -
    not just for the military precision of the ceremony and the parade. At
    a US military base in Washington they have been planning for any
    eventuality for the past six months.

    Along Washington's waterways the coast guard will be watching from
    high speed boats.

    Snipers will be positioned on the rooftops near the Capitol building
    and along the parade route.

    Roads and bridges into Washington will be closed to traffic, with
    sniffer dogs on the subway and thousands of armed police, soldiers
    and plainclothes agents on the streets.

    In total, there will be 4,000 Washington police, reinforced by another
    4,000 officers from all over the country. Thousands more National
    Guard members have been called in.

    That is on top of the 5,000 professional soldiers and sailors who
    will be on the ground.

    There are 57 different government agencies involved in what has been
    declared a "National Special Security Event." And overseeing the
    entire operation is the US Secret Service.