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Obama Brings New Hopes For Turkey

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  • Obama Brings New Hopes For Turkey

    Emrullah Uslu

    Jamestown Foundation he=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=34380&tx_ttnew s%5BbackPid%5D=7&cHash=15923d9826
    Jan 21 2009

    President Barack Obama's inaugural address has been warmly welcomed
    by the Turkish media. Three of his statements have been commonly
    praised by the Turkish press: his warm message to the Muslim world,
    the virtue of democracy, and hope for the future. The liberal daily
    Radikal ran the headline "Virtue of Democracy"; the Center-Right
    Milliyet announced "A New World"; and the Center-Right Hurriyet's
    headline was "Our Hope Is Obama." The Center-Left Sabah's banner was
    "We Are a Friend of the World." The Islamist Yeni Safak used Obama's
    message to the Muslim world, "Extend Your Hand" for its headline,
    while Zaman pronounced "A New Beginning Full of Hope."

    Almost all of the newspapers stressed the following paragraph from
    Obama's Inaugural address:

    To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual
    interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who
    seek to sow conflict or blame their society's ills on the West: Know
    that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you
    destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit
    and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of
    history but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench
    your fist (, January 20).

    Obama's message to the Islamic world was welcomed. Editorial
    analyses of the substance of the speech have not yet appeared in
    the Turkish press, but comments in Internet blogs warmly praised
    Obama's words. Very few of the 116 messages in an Internet blog were
    negative. Some of the people were praying for Obama ("May Allah not
    embarrasses you"); and one said, "he gave a very positive message. My
    gut feeling tells me that this guy will deliver on what he says." "I
    hope you will not turn into another Bush," another blogger wrote. Still
    another said, "I am deeply touched by his speech and message. May
    God help Obama. Our prayers are with him, because he is not only
    the hope of America but the hope of all people" (,
    January 21). Some 80 percent of Turks were anti-American before this,
    but enthusiasm like this indicates that people are ready to forget
    what the Bush administration did in the Middle East and want to open
    a new chapter of relations with the Obama administration.

    Columnists in Turkish newspapers take a positive view of Obama but
    also question whether he will actually be able to deliver on his
    promises. Beril Dedeoglu of Star, for instance, argues that Obama's
    policies call for sharing responsibilities with the international
    community. This policy can only be implemented if all players share
    accountability. In short, the United States outlined a model of
    cooperation and expects others to go along with it. If international
    players accept his plan there will be no problem...but if they do
    not? In this case, it appears that the United States will continue to
    punish those who damage the harmony of the American-led international
    cooperation (Star, January 21).

    Soli Ozel of Sabah cited Obama's speech and interpreted it as a sign of
    change. Obama's statement that "as for our common defense, we reject
    as false the choice between our safety and our ideals" showed that
    he has a different approach from that of his predecessor Bush, Ozel
    said. In addition, "by emphasizing 'our power alone cannot protect us,
    nor does it entitle us to do as we please,' Obama rejected neo-con,
    foreign policy principles. If Obama can keep his promises he will
    change not only his own country but also the rest of the world. I
    hope he can do it" (Sabah, January 21).

    Cengiz Candar of Radikal is the most optimistic policy analyst. He
    thinks that "by electing Obama as President, the most powerful country
    in the world showed its capacity to change. It will initiate a momentum
    of change. After this, it will be very difficult to maintain those
    fossilized political structures and fossilized politicians in power"
    (Radikal, January 21).

    Cuneyt Ulsever of Hurriyet does not agree with the optimist
    commentators, claiming that Obama simply cannot pursue his plans for
    change but will be a realist and will maintain the United States'
    position as a superpower. According to Ulsever, Obama's policy
    preferences will be tested in his Middle East policies. How fast will
    he withdraw American troops from Iraq? While withdrawing his troops,
    how will he shape the new balance in Iraq? Will he accept the reality
    of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the fact that it is not possible
    to control Afghanistan without establishing cooperation with the
    Taliban? Will he negotiate with Iran and convince it to stop enriching
    uranium? How will he position himself toward Hamas and Hezbollah? Will
    he continue to work with American-friendly Arab dictators, or will
    he endorse democracy in the Arab world? (Hurriyet, January 21).

    In addition to the media's optimism, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan expects Obama to "be the defender of those who have no defender
    and the voice of those who have no voice" (Star, January 21).

    It seems that with Barack Obama, amost everyone, from the prime
    minister down to the man in the street, is ready to open a new chapter
    in Turkish-U.S. relations. They do, however, have some concerns as
    well. They want to know how he will handle the Armenian claims of
    genocide and whether he will continue to support Turkish efforts
    to curb Kurdish separatist terror activities. Given the fact that
    Obama's inaugural messages were warmly welcomed in a Muslim country
    like Turkey, where anti-Americanism was on the rise, it would perhaps
    be a wise step for Obama to visit Turkey in his early days in office
    to reinforce his positive position toward the Muslim world.