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BAKU: Gaza Events Not To Affect Turkey, Israel Relations: Trend News

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  • BAKU: Gaza Events Not To Affect Turkey, Israel Relations: Trend News


    Trend News Agency
    Jan 23 2009

    Head of Trend News Middle East Desk Rufiz Hafizoglu.

    Israeli strikes across Gaza on Dec.27, 2008 entered the history as
    unforgettable events. Firstly, the Gaza events demonstrated the
    indecision of Arabian countries with regards to Israel. It also
    became known that these countries followed only their own interests
    in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Intensification of military operations in Gaza and the death of
    civilians instead of HAMAS leaders in these operations and untimely
    prevention of these operations showed that many international
    organizations are helpless before Israel. The Arabian countries were
    limited with that street demonstrations against Israel were held in
    some of them, Israeli goods were boycotted and finally they held the
    summit of the League of Arab States which had no serious importance for
    Israel. Commenting on the protests against Israel in Arabian countries,
    Israel's foreign minister said: We are awaiting such steps from Muslim
    and Arab states". Only Turkey expressed the sharpest protest against
    the conflict at official level.

    Expressing his attitude towards the Gaza events, Turkey's Primer
    Minister Rajap Tayyip Erdogan said that Israel is committing genocide
    against Palestinians. Unlike the reaction of Israeli officials to
    the Arab states, Erdogan's speech provoked a sharp reaction. Israel's
    deputy foreign minister, member of Knesset, Majalli Whbee, said in his
    interview with the Turkish press: "Erdogan named Israeli operations in
    Gaza genocide. Then, we also name the Turkish action against Armenians
    in 1915-1918 genocide".

    Touching upon the future of Turkey-Israel relations, Whbee said: Israel
    believes that Erdogan's statement regarding the military operations
    in Gaza will not affect the relations between the two countries. If
    Turkey continues to unfairly regard Israel as a guilty, we will
    re-consider our relations which have been exiting for long years".

    All these show that Israel is concerned by Turkey's position on
    official Tel-Aviv.

    Then Israel was dissatisfied with the statement by Erdogan's chief
    foreign policy advisor Ahmet Davudoglu concerning the operations in
    Gaza. Israel claims that gained the victory in Gaza, stroke a heavy
    blow on the infrastructure of HAMAS and at the same time compelled
    HAMAS to reach ceasefire. However, statement by Davudoglu denies
    Israel's triumph over HAMAS. Davudoglu said that HAMAS agreed to
    cease fire not because it lost but because of the request of Turkey.

    Turkey's sharply accusing Israel of the operations in Gaza will not
    affect the historical relations of the two countries. Meanwhile, all
    over the world, the Armenian lobby is fully attempting to approach
    Israel. Despite the anti-Israeli demonstrations in the world, Jewish
    and Armenian lobbies held a joint campaign in the United States to
    support Israel. "The Armenians are always with Israel" became the
    unforgettable slogan of the campaign.

    In reality, the ground for the change in Turkey's position is not the
    Gaza events, but the attitude of the West towards Turkey. Making sharp
    statements against Israel, Turkey sends signals to the United States
    and the European Union. At the same time, Turkey tries to prove that
    it possesses authority in the region although it is not a member to
    the EU.

    Despite the sharp statements by Erdogan against Israel, worsening in
    relations between the two countries can't be expected. Even earlier
    i.e. in 2006, Erdogan sharply criticized Tel-Aviv during 31-day war
    when Israel pulled into the territory of Lebanon but after some
    time, with the initiative of Tel-Aviv, he acted as a mediator in
    Israeli-Syrian negotiations.