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BAKU: New U.S. Administration's Policy On 'Genocide' To Affect Turke

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  • BAKU: New U.S. Administration's Policy On 'Genocide' To Affect Turke


    Trend News Agency /1405469.html
    Jan 23 2009

    Azerbaijan, Baku, Jan. 23 /corr. Trend News E.Tariverdiyeva /
    This year can become the year of normalization of the relations
    between Turkey and Armenia, and the policy of the new American
    Administration regarding "genocide" will affect these relations,
    however, not compulsorily negatively, experts consider.

    "Incorrect step by the USA can damage the process of normalizing the
    relations between Armenia and Turkey", said last week the Foreign
    Minister of Turkey Ali Babajan, writes the Turkish Hurriyet Daily
    News newspaper reported.

    During his pre-election campaign, the U.S. President Barack Obama,
    who took the office on Jan.20, qualified the events of 1915 in Ottoman
    Empire as genocide.

    Being appointed to the post of the Secretary of State, Hillary
    Clinton noted that the new U.S. Administration will be sequential in
    this question. During the election campaign Clinton unambiguously
    determined the position regarding "genocide". "I believe that the
    tragic events, organized and realized by the Ottoman Empire against the
    Armenian population, will force the Congress and the U.S. President
    to recognize and remember the genocide of Armenians," Clinton said
    during the presidential campaign last summer.

    After this, the statement by the Foreign Ministry of Turkey warned
    the new U.S. Administration against the recognition of the "genocide"
    of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War, saying
    that "to consider the position of third country in this question
    is irrational".

    The diplomatic relations are absent between Armenia and Turkey. In
    1993 Turkey closed borders with Armenia in connection with the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, in which it supports Azerbaijan.

    On Sep. 6, 2008 at the invitation of the President of Armenia Serj
    Sargsyan, the President of Turkey Abdullah Gul arrived in Yerevan to
    watch the football match between the teams of Armenia and Turkey.

    According to the observers, America's interference in the issue of
    recognition of "genocide" will affect the Turkish-Armenian relations,
    however not negatively.

    The new U.S. Administration or its part supports Armenia in the
    problem of "genocide", and this strengthens the position of Armenia
    in the world, also, in the Armenian-Turkish relations, said Russian
    political scientist Mikhail Remizov.

    According to him, improvement in the relations of Yerevan and
    Washington under strengthening of the lobbying positions of Armenia in
    the USA and, on the other hand, cooling of relations between Turkey
    and USA as a result can lead to changes and cause an improvement in
    the relations of Yerevan and Ankara.

    "Since Turkey ceases to be the protege of the USA in the region, it
    must transform into regional leader, and for this, Turkey must solve
    all questions with Armenia," Remizov, director of the Institute of
    National Strategy, told TrendNews.

    After Barack Obama takes the office of the U.S. President, it needs
    to expect "real breakthrough" in the issue of Congress's adoption of
    a resolution on recognition of "genocide" of the Armenians, said the
    director of the Armenian Institute of Oriental Study of the National
    Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ruben Safrastyan, Mediamax reported.

    "Certain positive changes are possible in the Armenian-Turkish
    relations during this year," said Safrastyan.

    "These will mainly be caused by how Turkish diplomacy will be able
    to give up its policy of pressure on Armenia and gradually will
    begin to approach the position of Armenia, exactly the establishment
    of relations without any pre-conditions," he told journalists on

    Turkey advances a number of pre-conditions for establishing bilateral
    relations, in particular Armenia's refusal from the policy of the
    international recognition of "genocide" of the Armenians in the Ottoman
    Empire during the First World War, and also Armenia's recognition of
    Turkey's borders.

    According to the Turkish political scientist Sinan Ogan, precisely the
    loyalty of the American Administration to the question of "genocide"
    will accelerate the process of establishing relations between Turkey
    and Armenia. America tries to establish Turkish-Armenian relations,
    without acting as mediator, since it fears to spoil its relations
    with Ankara, Ogan said.

    "Obama's Administration is prepared to recognize the fact of
    "genocide", and therefore Turkey will attempt to establish relations
    with Armenia before the fact of "genocide" is recognized in the White
    House," Ogan, director of the Turksam Center for Scientific Studies,
    told TrendNews in a telephone conversation from Istanbul.

    Russian political scientist also considers that Turkey, as the strong
    side of dialogue, in light of worsening in the relations with the
    USA can think more constructively than earlier with regards the same
    theme of genocide. "Possibly there are some intermediate versions
    between the single-valued recognition and the categorical denial,
    and they can be begun to operate," said Remizov.

    According to him, simple step is the initiation of the establishment of
    a commission for the more detailed study of the question. "Establishing
    a commission on the joint of historical science and diplomacy can put
    the beginning of a constructive dialogue and will help the sides not
    connect the current political relation with this question rigidly,"
    Remizov said.

    American political scientist Mark N. Katz considers that Turkey and
    Armenia can improve relations soon. "For Turkey, this is something
    that would improve its image in the West, and thus help its chances
    for entry into the EU," Katz, a professor of government and politics
    at George Mason University, told TrendNews via e-mail.

    According to Katz, the August events testified that Armenia's tight
    alliance with Russia is not necessarily in Armenia's interest. "Armenia
    needs more friends, including Turkey, so that it does not have to
    rely so heavily on Russia," he said.

    Large-scale military operations were launched in South Ossetia at
    night of 8 August. Georgian troops entered Tskhinvali, capital of
    South Ossetia. Later Russian troops seized the town and drove Georgian
    troops back to Georgia. On 26 August, Russia recognized independence
    of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and established diplomatic relations
    on 9 September.

    "In this dialogue precisely Turkey is the strong side, precisely it is
    interested in solving this problem in order to strengthen its regional
    influence, whereas Armenia is extremely vulnerable," said Remizov.

    R.Agayev (Moscow), B.Hasanov (Baku) contributed to the article.