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Blanketing the world

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  • Blanketing the world

    Lowell Sun (Massachusetts)
    January 24, 2009 Saturday

    Blanketing the world

    By Debbie Hovanasian, Sun Correspondent

    CHELMSFORD -- They may have been sent to Louisiana to replace bedding
    lost in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Maybe even to Tanzania or
    other Third World countries to function as room dividers, creating
    personal space in a one-room hut. Or they may have even been shipped
    off to the people of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan who have suffered
    years of civil strife following the break-up of the Soviet Union.

    No matter the destination, the Lutheran quilters of Trinity Lutheran
    Church know that the fruits of their labors -- beautiful, colorful
    tied quilts -- have provided warmth to the needy around the world in
    more ways than one.

    Since the group of Trinity quilters was established in 1982, its
    members have stitched about 80 quilts a year using fabric donated by
    the congregation or by home decorators, said one of its founders,
    Edith Vaughn.

    They are part of a greater organization -- the Lutheran Quilters of
    Lutheran World Relief (LWR), founded over 50 years ago to work with 35
    countries, helping people grow food, improve health, strengthen
    communities, build livelihoods and recover from disasters.

    Through the LWR network, the quilts made by Trinity and hundreds of
    other Lutheran congregations travel through a well-coordinated,
    intercontinental pipeline to get from each parish to the needy around
    the world.

    Though the Trinity quilters, who spend three to four hours every
    Monday cutting, piercing, stitching and tying, never know where their
    colorful creations will end up, once in a while they are surprised,
    said Lynda Kramer of Chelmsford.

    "There was one particular quilt that we were not too happy with. We
    wanted to throw it out," she laughed.

    Yet when the women picked up an international Lutheran publication
    that featured a segment on Lutheran quilters, there was that
    particular quilt being held up by an African native who looked
    especially thrilled with his gift.

    "So you just never know what the other person will like," smiled

    The machine-sewn quilts are all standard sized -- 62x82 inches. Some
    have colors and prints that are perfectly coordinated, while others
    are a bright mix of patterns that work well together. All are cozy,
    warm and functional.

    While the group of women -- now eight strong -- derive satisfaction in
    knowing that their creations will bring a smile and warmth to someone
    in need, there's something in it for them as well.

    "I love sewing," said Vaughn, adding that even when she traveled all
    summer long for 10 years in an RV with her husband, she took fabric
    with her so she could keep up her work on the Lutheran quilts.

    Yet there is even more to it, said Kramer, who has sewn all her
    life. She started with the group five years ago when she was new to
    the congregation.

    "I have met some wonderful people," she said. "The socializing and
    fellowship, having lunch together -- it's a morning of
    relaxation. It's one of the reasons we come here every Monday."

    One of their missions today is to pass on their craft to the younger
    generation, whom they concede are busy with careers and packed
    schedules. Most can't come to the church for four hours on a Monday to
    work on quilts, said Kramer.

    Yet she feels that with some innovation and flexibility, they can work
    out ways to get the next generation involved in this project.

    "I'd like to see us do a Saturday class and invite the teens," Kramer
    said. "Or maybe even a night during the week where young mothers can
    come without their children."

    Kramer stresses that anyone is welcome to join the quilters, even
    those who are not members of Trinity.

    "If you can tie a shoe, you can do this," said Kramer, who admits her
    favorite job is sitting and tying the knots in the quilts while
    chatting. "Anyone is welcome to join us or just observe what we are

    "It's such a selfless thing to do," said Donna Slattery, the
    communications director for Trinity who has admired the work of the
    quilters for many years. "It makes you feel proud to be part of a
    congregation that gives back so much."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress