16:15 27/01/2009
"Arresting young Armenians a week ago Georgian authorities were aimed
to put up an end to the educations, cultural processes in Djavakhq and
to strengthen the atmosphere of fear and horror," said Shirak Torosyan,
the President of Djavakhq union and member of Republican fraction.
"They wish to criminalize the political issue. If their "justice"
wins and they prove that a military group was forming then the other
members would be searched for," said Haykazun Alvrtsyan of the Yerevan
State University Center of Armenian Studies. He said that the Georgian
authorities have organized trap.
To the question what Armenian authorities could do in this regard,
they answered that the local authorities should prepare appropriate
respond for any item connected with Djavakhq.
16:15 27/01/2009
"Arresting young Armenians a week ago Georgian authorities were aimed
to put up an end to the educations, cultural processes in Djavakhq and
to strengthen the atmosphere of fear and horror," said Shirak Torosyan,
the President of Djavakhq union and member of Republican fraction.
"They wish to criminalize the political issue. If their "justice"
wins and they prove that a military group was forming then the other
members would be searched for," said Haykazun Alvrtsyan of the Yerevan
State University Center of Armenian Studies. He said that the Georgian
authorities have organized trap.
To the question what Armenian authorities could do in this regard,
they answered that the local authorities should prepare appropriate
respond for any item connected with Djavakhq.