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Turkish Coalition Of America Takes On Sen. Robert Menendez Over "Eth

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  • Turkish Coalition Of America Takes On Sen. Robert Menendez Over "Eth

    by Guler Kokner 009/01/turkish_coalition_of_america_t.html
    Jan 28 2009

    While America is currently engaged in two wars, faces the continued
    threat of international terrorism and the possible advent of
    nuclear-armed rogue nations, and struggles with an economic crisis
    of historical proportions, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) chose to use
    his valuable time at the confirmation hearing of newly confirmed
    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to pander to the Armenian
    and Greek lobbies.

    While the world was watching, Sen. Menendez asked Sen. Clinton to
    make it a priority to recognize as "genocide" nearly a century-old
    events that took place in a foreign state which no longer exists. He
    theorized that the United States must pay heed to "history that is
    universally recognized so that we can move forward in that respect."

    A history lesson to address the deeds of a defunct empire, apparently
    in the Senator's eyes, should be a priority for the new U.S. Secretary
    of State to address in confirmation hearings. Never mind that what
    Senator Menendez calls "universally recognized" history, is still
    strongly debated among scores of scholars and that many historians
    of international renown contest the genocide label.

    If this issue was indeed universally settled, Great Britain, a country
    which was a party to the conflict at hand, would not have repeatedly
    refused to use the term genocide to describe the tragic events. If
    defining whether a crime constituted genocide was to be entrusted to
    politicians, the international community would not have bestowed the
    authority to investigate, prosecute and punish such crimes to the
    International Court of Justice.

    The senator also stated that the tiny island of Cyprus should be
    high on the priority list of the Secretary of State. Voicing support
    for the "bi-zonal, bi-communal federation" solution on the island,
    Sen. Menendez seemed to be ignorant of the fact that this was precisely
    what 65 percent of Turkish Cypriots supported in a referendum in 2004,
    and which 75 percent of Greek Cypriots rejected. Based on his obvious
    concern for the well being of ALL Cypriots, we hope that Sen. Menendez
    will now take the lead in a congressional effort to lift the inhumane
    international blockade on the Turkish Cypriots and provide an incentive
    for the solution he so desires.

    The fact of the matter is that at the dawn of a new
    U.S. administration, awaited with great anticipation to be the
    government of change around the world and at home, it was politics
    as usual for Sen. Menendez. As the world was watching, he faithfully
    continued to cater to ethnic politics at home. Rather than questioning
    the Secretary of State on the countless foreign policy challenges
    America faces around the world, he sought her commitment to take
    sides in a historical dispute, while making a half-hearted attempt
    to appease the Greek American community.

    The people of New Jersey, including over 30,000 Turkish Americans,
    deserve better leadership.

    Guler Kokner is vice president of the Turkish Coalition of America
    in Washington, D.C.