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Another Traditionalist Denies Shoah

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  • Another Traditionalist Denies Shoah


    Ansa news in English glish/news/2009-01-29_129289943.html
    Jan 29 2009

    Ultra- Conservative priest disputes use of gas chambers

    (ANSA) - Treviso, January 29 - Another leading member of the
    traditionalist Catholic Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) has denied
    that gas chambers were used by the Nazis to exterminate Jews during
    the Second World War.

    "I know that gas chambers existed as a means to disinfect, but I
    cannot say for sure if they killed anyone because I really haven't
    looked into it," Father Floriano Abrahamowicz, the head of SSPX in
    northeast Italy, told the Tribuna di Treviso daily on Thursday.

    The ultraconservative priest's statements came a day after Israeli's
    highest religious authority, the Chief Rabbinate, threatened to sever
    ties with the Vatican after Pope Benedict XVI lifted an excommunication
    on four SSPX bishops, including one who has repeatedly denied that
    the Shoah took place.

    The pope immediately responded by reiterating his strong stand against
    denying the Holocaust, saying that it was important to never forget
    the Shoah. This to appeared avert an official break, although the
    Rabbinate has yet to make a formal statement.

    The Rabbinate, as well as Jewish leaders in Italy and around the
    world, were particularly upset over the reinstatement of Bishop
    Richard Williamson. The British-born bishop recently told Swedish
    TV that he did not believe in the existence of gas chambers. In his
    view not six million but only 200,000 to 300,000 Jews died in Nazi
    concentration camps "and not one of them in a gas chamber".

    The current SSPX head, Bishop Bernard Fellay, stated firmly that
    Williamson's views did not reflect those of the order and he apologised
    to the pope for any problems his views may have created.

    He has also ordered Williamson not to voice his political opinions
    in public.

    However, according to Father Abrahamowicz, "all this fuss over
    Msgr Williamson's statements is being exploited against the
    Vatican. Williamson simply expressed his doubts. He did not deny the
    Holocaust, as the press has mistakenly said he did; he only gave a
    technical opinion on the gas chambers".

    "The question of denying the Holocaust is a false problem because it
    focuses on numbers and methods and does not address the real problem,"
    he added.

    "Had Msgr. Williamson denied on TV the (1915) genocide of 1.2 million
    Armenians by the Turks I don't think the press would have acted the
    same way ," Father Abrahamowicz said.

    The Vatican has yet to reply to the ultra-conservative priest, but
    when Milan Archbishop Dionigi Tettamanzi was asked for his view he
    observed that "the Holy Father has been clear and explicit" on the
    church's relations with both the SSPX and Jews.

    Lifting the excommunication on the four bishops, he added, "was an
    act of mercy which in no way represented a compromise," he said.

    In order to truly return to the fold, the archbishop added, they must
    renew "their loyalty to the Church and its teachings," including the
    changes made by the Second Vatican Council in the early 1960s.

    The archbishop of Treviso, Msgr, Andrea Bruno Mazzoccato, adopted a
    similar position and told the members of his diocese that any stance
    on the Holocaust which differed from the one expressed by the pope
    "has no foundation and is unconnected to Christian thought and an
    elementary sense of humanity".

    He then repeated the pope's warning to be on guard against "the
    unexpected power which evil can exert on the hearts of man".

    The SSPX was created in 1970 by late dissident French Archbishop
    Marcel Lefebvre who broke with Rome over the changes made at the
    Vatican Council.

    Among the changes the group opposed was the decision to celebrate Mass
    in local languages rather than in Latin and to adopt the view that
    Jews today should not be blamed for the death of Christ. Lefebvre, who
    died in 1991, was excommunicated in 1998 for ordaining four bishops,
    including Williamson, in defiance of a direct order from John Paul
    II. The four bishops were also excommunicated.

    Abrahamowicz's views have come under heavy fire from the governor
    of the Veneto region, where the headquarters of his SSPX branch
    is located.

    "I don't know if we're dealing with plain ignorance, madness or some
    horrifying political choice, but if any priest denies the Holocaust,
    denies the existence of gas chambers, then he'd best change jobs,"
    said Giancarlo Galan, of the center-right People of Freedom party,
    "And if any of these priests happen to live in the Veneto region, as
    is the case with Father Abrahamowicz, then they'd best move out and,
    who knows, even take refuge in one of those concentration camps they
    know so much about," he added.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress