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CNS: Christians must show world that unity is possible, pope says

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  • CNS: Christians must show world that unity is possible, pope says 56.htm

    Christians must show world that unity is possible, pope says

    By Cindy Wooden
    Catholic News Service

    VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- United in their baptism and their faith in
    Jesus, Christians have an obligation to show the world that
    differences in language and culture do not have to lead to division
    and violence, Pope Benedict XVI said.

    "The world needs a visible sign" of unity, the pope told members of
    the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between
    the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.

    The pope met Jan. 30 with the commission members, who represent the
    Catholic Church and the Armenian Apostolic Church, Coptic Orthodox
    Church, Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Syrian Orthodox Church, Malankara
    Orthodox Syrian Church and Eritrean Orthodox Church.

    Each of the churches involved in the dialogue brings the richness of
    its own traditions along with a commitment "to overcome the divisions
    of the past and to strengthen the united witness of Christians in the
    face of the enormous challenges facing believers today," the pope

    While united spiritually as disciples of Christ, he said, Christians
    also are called to be united visibly as one church.

    "We need only cast our minds to the Middle East -- from where many of
    you come -- to see that true seeds of hope are urgently needed in a
    world wounded by the tragedy of division, conflict and immense human
    suffering," the pope said.