01.07.2009 12:05 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In January-May 2009, RA State Budget incomes
comprised AMD 244.7 billion and expenditures comprised AMD 279.2
billion. Such indices ensured the Government's quarterly program by
75% and 73.85% respectively, RA Finance Ministry reports. It should be
noted that budgetary incomes were fulfilled by 27.3% and expenditures -
by 31.3%. In comparison with the same period of previous year, State
Budget incomes were reduced by 13.3% or AMD 37.5 billion.
Low budgetary revenues were conditioned by reduced amounts of tax and
duty incomes (19.2% or AMD 45 billion). In comparison with the same
period of previous year, compulsory social insurance payments and other
incomes increased by 3% (AMD 1.1 billion) and 38.1% (AMD 3.9 billion)
respectively. Official grants comprised about AMD 2.6 billion, in
comparison with AMD 142.5 billion recorded last year. 77.4% of State
Budget income was generated at the expense of taxes and duties, 15.8%
- at the expense of compulsory social insurance payments and other
incomes and 1.1% - at the expense of official grants. Under the law
"On RA State Budget for 2009", budgetary revenues also included sums
invested by the extra-budgetary funds of state organizations whose
income comprised AMD 6.7 billion, in comparison with last year's AMD
6 billion.
01.07.2009 12:05 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In January-May 2009, RA State Budget incomes
comprised AMD 244.7 billion and expenditures comprised AMD 279.2
billion. Such indices ensured the Government's quarterly program by
75% and 73.85% respectively, RA Finance Ministry reports. It should be
noted that budgetary incomes were fulfilled by 27.3% and expenditures -
by 31.3%. In comparison with the same period of previous year, State
Budget incomes were reduced by 13.3% or AMD 37.5 billion.
Low budgetary revenues were conditioned by reduced amounts of tax and
duty incomes (19.2% or AMD 45 billion). In comparison with the same
period of previous year, compulsory social insurance payments and other
incomes increased by 3% (AMD 1.1 billion) and 38.1% (AMD 3.9 billion)
respectively. Official grants comprised about AMD 2.6 billion, in
comparison with AMD 142.5 billion recorded last year. 77.4% of State
Budget income was generated at the expense of taxes and duties, 15.8%
- at the expense of compulsory social insurance payments and other
incomes and 1.1% - at the expense of official grants. Under the law
"On RA State Budget for 2009", budgetary revenues also included sums
invested by the extra-budgetary funds of state organizations whose
income comprised AMD 6.7 billion, in comparison with last year's AMD
6 billion.