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Serzh Sargsyan: Doing Well, Having Knowledge Is A Very Important Pre

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  • Serzh Sargsyan: Doing Well, Having Knowledge Is A Very Important Pre


    Noyan Tapan
    July 3, 2009

    YEREVAN, JULY 3, NOYAN TAPAN. On July 2, RA President Serzh Sargsyan
    met with pupils winning in the Kangaroo international competition
    in Methematics and those recording the best result in the regions
    and with this year's medal-winner school leavers. "I am sure that
    many of you have learnt from your parents: "You should do well to
    become a good person." Those who are older maybe for many times have
    questioned that simple and true thought's being real, but have also
    had occasions to make sure that it is indeed so. I am sure that today
    you and all of us have made sure that doing well, having knowledge
    is a very important precondition for becoming a good citizen, a good
    person. I want you to hear from me that your advantage over children
    of your age is also that you not only have more knowledge than they,
    but also that you distinguish yourself: you distinguish yourself with
    your best traits, and to distinguish oneself with the best traits
    means to be a strong person, to be ready to resist all challenges
    life will still throw down to you," S. Sargsyan said.

    As Noyan Tapan was informed by the RA President's Press Office,
    an active dialogue over issues interesting the children proceeded
    during the meeting.

    Senior pupils asked President's opinion about the test system of
    examinations. According to S. Sargsyan, the tests, the general test
    system, as well as their organizers had shortcomings, but the idea
    in itself is positive. He said that one of the most direct ways
    of achieving an unbiassed examination process is to reduce human
    interference, and the test system pursues the very purpose. According
    to S. Sargsyan, after the correction of the recorded shortcomings
    the system will work more efficiently in the coming years completely
    ensuring fair and transparent selection of students.

    The prize-winners asked the President what should be done for schools
    to give more medal-winners. S. Sargsyan said that first of all it
    depends on pupils' wish and capabilities, but also on the circumstance
    how much the state can organize revelation of children's capabilities,
    how it can contribute to rise of qualification level of teachers,
    scientists and how much it can demonstrate advantages of a person
    having knowledge in our society.

    In response to the question of whether it is right to join any party
    or to politicize from early age S. Sargsyan said that to politicize
    means to be active, to be acquainted with ideologies, programs and
    to choose between them. However, it does not mean that one should
    join any party without fail.

    Saying that every one decides himself the extent of involvement in
    political processes according to his preferences, S. Sargsyan noted
    that being a member of a party in any case should not be formal,
    should not be considered as a possibility of receiving a post,
    becoming more distinguished in society.

    In response to a child's question of whether it is possible that
    chess can be taught as a subject at school S. Sargsyan said that
    it is not an easy task, as teachers, programs are needed. Meanwhile
    he said that some steps are already being taken in that direction:
    there can be extra-class trainings from this year and they will be
    included in school curricula in the future.

    Armavir region's prize-winners asked the President how he treats the
    circumstance that the regions lag behind Yerevan by their development

    S. Sargsyan noted that as far back as in the Soviet years Yerevan
    developed quicker than the regions, and that tendency will be
    kept. He said that in spite of that fact, the government works out and
    implements programs to give regions more possibility of development
    and to mitigate the current inequality.

    Boy senior pupils - prize-winners asked RA President's opinion about
    the issue of interrupting studies at the age of 18 and doing compulsory
    military service. S. Sargsyan said that in his affirmation every young
    man should make his contribution to the sacred affair of defending
    the homeland, irrespective of his knowledge level. "For some young men
    patriotism is gaining knowledge by avoiding military service, for some
    it is boasting to foreigners how the Armenian army was able to defend
    our borders, while I do not hold that opinion. We are a small state,
    but have to maintain a big army. And a big army requires not only
    much resources, but also a great number of capable people." According
    to S. Sargsyan, those who really want to get education, to take up
    science can do it after doing their duty towards the homeland. In
    that respect he noted that most of the world-famous scientists did
    a military service and it did not hinder their intention to take up
    science after the military service.

    S. Sargsyan said that it does not mean that a law on calling up for
    military service at the age of 18 will be immediately adopted. As a
    variant he mentioned the possibility of making changes in study in
    the state order system. S. Sargsyan saying that there is a practice
    of avoiding military service under the guise of education and science
    proved it also by the fact that almost without exception only boys
    study at post-graduate study departments.

    A prize-winner pupil from Syunik region asked whether S. Sargsyan
    had ever imagined when being pupil that Armenia and Artsakh can
    be independent states. "Like dozens of thousands of people I did
    not imagine that we will have independent Armenia, independent
    Artsakh. However, we dreamt of it," the President said.

    The pupils also expressed their complaint to the President for
    insufficient attention shown to the educational sphere by television,
    and S. Sargsyan shared their opinion. He expressed the hope that
    journalists present at the meeting will draw conclusions from this
    question and the progress tendencies on the part of educational
    programs already noticed on television will become a regularity.

    At the end of the meeting S. Sargsyan gave awards and souvenirs to
    the winners of the Kangaroo International Mathematics Competition
    and to this year's medal-winner school leavers.