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Reassessing The Jackson-Vanik Amendment

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  • Reassessing The Jackson-Vanik Amendment

    Julie Ginsberg

    Council on Foreign Relations
    July 2, 2009

    The Jackson-Vanik Amendment, an addition to the U.S. Trade Act of
    1974, was crafted to put pressure on the Soviet Union for human
    rights abuses but has become a symbol of lingering tensions in
    the U.S.-Russia relationship. In order to receive the benefits of
    normal trade relations with the United States, nonmarket economies,
    which originally meant Communist economies, must comply with free
    emigration policies. Though the United States denies normal trade
    relations treatment only to Cuba and North Korea, U.S. trade relations
    with eight former Soviet states still fall under the jurisdiction
    of Jackson-Vanik. These countries--Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan,
    Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan--are deemed
    either compliant with the emigration requirement or provisionally
    exempt. Yet many experts assert that the amendment is an irritant
    in U.S. relations with these countries, particularly Russia, and has
    outgrown its relevance.

    Signs of the Obama administration's interest in warming relations with
    the Kremlin (WashPost), as well as negotiations over Russia's World
    Trade Organization (WTO) accession, have prompted a fresh round of
    discussion among experts about graduating Russia from the amendment to
    make it permanently exempt. Whether President Barack Obama can do so
    and how quickly, experts say, will depend on his ability to overcome
    long-standing congressional reluctance to make what is perceived as
    an undeserved concession to Russia.

    Cold War Origins Legislation that would become the Jackson-Vanik
    Amendment was proposed in October 1972 to prevent the Soviet Union
    from charging exorbitant fees to Jews trying to emigrate. Though
    cosponsors Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-WA) and Rep. Charles A. Vanik
    (D-OH) cast the legislation as a means to put pressure on Communist
    countries for human rights violations, the amendment references only
    emigration, clearly targeting the former Soviet Union. The Soviet
    bloc stopped charging "education reimbursement fees" in late 1972,
    but the Jackson-Vanik Amendment was still included as a provision of
    Title IV of the Trade Act of 1974.

    The legislation conditions nonmarket economies' eligibility for
    receiving "most favored nation" status (now known as "normal trade
    relations") and accessing particular U.S. financial facilities on
    compliance with a set of free-emigration requirements. To comply with
    the amendment, the applicable countries may not deny their citizens
    the right to emigrate, impose a significant tax on emigration or
    related documents, or otherwise monetarily punish any citizen for
    seeking to emigrate.

    Jackson-Vanik in Practice A country that has conditional normal
    trade relations with the United States under the amendment enjoys
    the same financial and trade advantages as a country with permanent
    normal trade relations and is highly unlikely to lose those benefits
    (PDF), according to a 2005 Congressional Research Service report. The
    president has certified to Congress that most of the countries under
    the amendment are in permanent compliance and therefore eligible for
    preferential tariff rates and other financial benefits, a determination
    that Congress can disapprove of with a joint resolution. Each year,
    the president renews this certification and recommends extensions
    of the Jackson-Vanik waiver for Belarus and Turkmenistan, leaving
    only Cuba and North Korea without normal trade relations due to
    noncompliance with the amendment.

    The list of countries to which Jackson-Vanik applies has narrowed
    as these countries join the WTO, which requires all member states to
    establish permanent normal trade relations with one other. Congress
    and the president have addressed the amendment's incompatibility with
    this requirement by voting to graduate Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria,
    China, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia,
    Lithuania, Mongolia, Romania, Ukraine, and Vietnam in correspondence
    with each country's WTO accession, withholding permanent normal trade
    relations status only from Moldova.

    Jackson-Vanik's application has diminished and changed drastically as
    its list of eligible countries shrinks. Blake Marshall, the former
    executive vice president of the U.S.-Russia Business Council, says
    refusing to abolish the amendment or graduate Russia has become a
    way for Congress to express disapproval with Russian trade, foreign
    policy, and human rights offenses. Russia has been officially in
    full cooperation with the amendment's original intent since 1994,
    Marshall says, but "we have moved the goalpost." In 2003, Sen. Charles
    Grassley (R-IA), then chairman of the Senate Finance Committee,
    which has jurisdiction over the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, told the
    Washington Times he would back Russia's graduation "under the right
    circumstances," but Russia's lack of support for U.S. operations
    in Iraq and trade barriers on U.S. pork, beef, and poultry hurt
    congressional support at the time. "It seems every time we take one
    step forward in Congress, Russia takes two steps back," he said.

    What's at Stake As WTO accession negotiations progress for Russia,
    the largest economy still outside the organization, the question of
    what to do about Jackson-Vanik becomes pressing. CFR Senior Fellow
    Stephen Sestanovich says that keeping Russia under Jackson-Vanik
    after the country accedes would be "the worst outcome for American
    businesses," which would then not benefit from Russia's market access
    commitments and could not utilize WTO dispute resolution mechanisms.

    >From CFR Experts: "In the years since George W. Bush's efforts to deal
    with the [Jackson-Vanik] amendment, American confidence that Russia is
    moving in a democratic direction has dropped sharply. Our confidence
    that we have any leverage over the process, or that we know how to
    use it, has also declined. Leaving this symbol of long-gone issues
    on the books keeps us from thinking clearly about today's concerns."

    Stephen Sestanovich, NYT Op-Ed

    While experts agree that a U.S. decision not to graduate Russia
    from Jackson-Vanik would be a setback for the countries' economic
    and political ties, the potential U.S. gains from graduation are
    subject to debate. Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Peterson
    Institute for International Economics and an adjunct professor at
    Georgetown University, asserts that Jackson-Vanik has contributed to
    making the United States a "least favored trading partner" of Russia,
    pointing out that only 4 percent of Russia's trade is with the United
    States. Other experts, like Sestanovich, say that ill will inspired
    by Jackson-Vanik has had minimal impact on trade and therefore the
    potential U.S. gains from graduating Russia from the amendment are
    small. Terminating Russia from Jackson-Vanik would be "symbolic of the
    ability of leaders on both sides to get rid of accumulated, irrelevant
    issues of friction in the relationship," Sestanovich says, "but it's
    symbolic friction. It doesn't actually have any real consequences,
    and the result is you can't actually expect any real payoff."

    Jackson-Vanik's Staying Power Despite the potential gains, whether
    symbolic or quantifiable, of graduating Russia from Jackson-Vanik
    or eliminating it altogether, Congress has resisted both options
    because of several factors unrelated to the amendment's original
    intent. Jackson-Vanik is part of a wider set of provisions established
    by Title IV of the Trade Act of 1974, which means that eliminating
    the amendment altogether would be considerably more complicated than
    terminating the amendment's application to individual countries,
    according to the 2005 Congressional Research Service report. Repealing
    Jackson-Vanik likely would require repealing Title IV entirely, a
    more drastic measure than necessary to achieve the goal of restoring
    permanent normal trade relations with the affected countries, the
    report states. As a result, the option of repealing the amendment
    has not been given serious congressional consideration.

    Congress has discussed the possibility of graduating Russia from
    Jackson-Vanik several times in the past decade, but each effort to do
    so has been foiled by trade and foreign policy considerations. Mark
    B. Levin, the executive director of NCSJ, an advocacy organization
    for Jews of the former Soviet Union, says Congress has been reluctant
    to establish permanent normal trade relations with Russia without
    seeing evidence of progress on certain human rights and foreign
    policy complaints. Special interest groups' concerns over Russia's
    compliance with trade regulations have not helped the case for
    graduation, he says. When Levin and Harold Luks, the chairman of
    NCSJ, testified at a subcommittee hearing of the House Committee on
    Ways and Means in 2002, they voiced their organization's support
    for establishing permanent normal trade relations with Russia and
    found this stance to be in opposition to those of the business and
    agricultural communities. Speaking on behalf of the American Farm
    Bureau Federation, Wayne Wood, the president of the Michigan Farm
    Bureau, asserted that "the overall U.S.-Russian trade relationship
    strongly favors Russia with its exports to our markets reaching
    $6.5 billion, compared to $2.5 billion in U.S. exports" and that
    the federation could not endorse establishing permanent normal trade
    relations until Russia's ban of U.S. poultry exports was resolved. The
    ban elicited a similar response from senators like Joe Biden [the
    current U.S. vice president] of Delaware, a major poultry-producing
    state, halting momentum to graduate Russia from Jackson-Vanik.

    Some experts, like CFR Adjunct Fellow Jeffrey Mankoff, say trade, human
    rights, and security concerns are excuses for congressional inaction
    to graduate Russia from Jackson-Vanik. Mankoff says Congress has kept
    Russia under the amendment to assert a role in foreign policy and
    calls outcry over trade concerns "political theater rather than actual
    substance." Peterson's Aslund agrees that Jackson-Vanik has far more
    to do with political tug-of-war between Congress and the president than
    with trade and attributes the amendment's continued existence to being
    "one of the laws with which Congress can irritate the administration."

    Policy Recommendation Experts recommend that President Obama promptly
    makes good on the promises of his predecessors George W. Bush and Bill
    Clinton to graduate Russia from Jackson-Vanik. In testimony before
    the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in March 2009, Sestanovich
    advised Congress to contribute to the administration's efforts to
    "press the reset button" by graduating former Soviet countries from
    Jackson-Vanik "as soon as possible and without further conditions."

    Now that Jackson-Vanik graduation has become tied to WTO accession,
    it would be difficult to assuage congressional concerns and establish
    permanent normal trade relations with Russia before it joins, says
    Marshall, the senior vice president and managing director of the PBN
    Company, an international strategic communications consultancy. But
    Marshall believes the political effort of doing so would be worth the
    move's symbolic weight in demonstrating U.S. interest in improving
    ties with Russia.

    Stephen Biegun, the vice president of international governmental
    affairs for Ford Motor Company, agrees that Congress should put
    Russia's graduation from Jackson-Vanik on the table before the country
    accedes to the World Trade Organization. If the working party report
    designating the terms of Russia's WTO accession were signed tomorrow,
    Biegun says, Russia would officially become a member on January 1,
    2010, leaving a "narrow window to choreograph" Russia's graduation
    given "the complexity of the process and the number of issues on the
    congressional agenda." Biegun, who was national security adviser to
    former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist after serving as executive
    secretary of the National Security Council, asserts that graduating
    Russia from Jackson-Vanik would "provide a catalyst" for Russia's
    integration into the global economic community. "People in the United
    States who want to keep Russia out of the WTO may be well-intentioned
    with regard to their unhappiness with Russia's political or human
    rights concerns, but I would argue with them that integrating Russia
    into the WTO and setting up a superstructure of rules and procedures
    that are transparent will be a step in the right direction,"
    he says. Instead of trying to use outdated legislation to promote
    neighborly behavior and protect human rights, Sestanovich writes in
    an op-ed in the New York Times, the U.S. government should develop
    new mechanisms for demonstrating these priorities.

    Marshall believes this administration--led by a popular president
    with majorities in both houses--could be the one to finally take that
    step, as long as Moscow indicates its own willingness to cooperate
    on issues like agricultural imports and protection of intellectual
    property rights.

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