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Book Review of Eric Bogosian's "Perforated Heart"

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  • Book Review of Eric Bogosian's "Perforated Heart"

    Fiction Chronicle

    The New York Times
    Sunday Book Review
    July 5, 2009


    By Eric Bogosian
    Simon & Schuster

    Bogosian, the manic monologist of New York's downtown in the 1970s and
    '80s, may be even more manic today ' writing drama, screenplays and
    fiction while continuing to act. However, there's no
    jack-of-all-trades syndrome here: Bogosian takes his fiction
    seriously, creating powerful and often disturbing characters and
    rendering them in language as precise as it is authentic. This novel,
    his third, is his most assured to date. Told entirely in diary
    entries, the story shows us two different periods in the life of
    Richard Morris, an American writer now in his 50s. When the book opens
    in 2005, Morris's once luminous career has started to fade. He loses
    literary prizes, long-time girlfriends, lovers and friends. His editor
    starts ignoring him. Jaded by fame, he confuses decades of selfishness
    and indulgence with the dedication great art requires. Then his life
    takes a turn: open-heart surgery. During his convalescence, he
    uncovers a box of diaries from 30 years earlier, when a young,
    ambitious Morris moved to New York to pursue literary
    stardom. Alternating between the past and the present, the entries
    allow a rich portrait of Morris to emerge. Bogosian renders 1970s New
    York City beautifully, describing the great blackout as well as
    legendary clubs like Max's Kansas City. A few conveniently plotted
    events permit reunions and resolutions, but the plot isn't the
    point. Bogosian's novel explores what it's like to get what we thought
    we wanted. Reading the words of young Richard, old Richard writes:
    `This kid gives birth to the man I am now.' Would that someone had
    warned him.

    By Dennis Cooper.
    Harper Perennial, paper

    Many of the stories in Cooper's potent and humorous new collection are
    short ' often a page or two ' and in them recurs all the notorious
    subject matter of his oeuvre: pedophilia, necrophilia, torture,
    kidnapping, murder, sexual mutilation, death-fetishization, drug
    addiction, desire and love, homosexual relationships, teenage
    ennui. There are recurrent images as well: among them, axes, hammers
    and fists. Knives abound. In `Jerk': `Wayne's standing over Brad,
    holding a knife.' In `The Hostage Drama': `So I got a knife out of the
    kitchen.' In `Oliver Twink': `I went into the kitchen and got that big
    knife.' And in more than one story, young men decide that being
    tortured to death might be an experience worth investigating. In
    `Jerk,' Buddy tells Dean: `I've been thinking about what you said,
    man. About death and stuff. And . . . yeah, I'm sick of
    life. Definitely. I want to go.' Dean replies: `All right. I'll take
    you out, but first, as bizarre as this sounds, I want you to live here
    with me for a few days, a week, and let me get to know you.' In
    `Oliver Twink' Chris tells his lustful friend that he has considered
    death as well: `I thought about what if . . .. I wanted to be with
    God? Wouldn't that be like your big dream come true?' One of the
    strongest stories is the clever and funny `Anal- - Retentive Line
    Editor,' in which an obsessive editor far oversteps the boundaries of
    his job. As always, the need for connection ' even if experienced at
    the level of unspeakable yet intimate violence ' as well as the need
    to expose what lies underneath are Cooper's main preoccupations.

    By J. C. Hallman
    Milkweed Editions, paper

    The figure uniting Hallman's fabu- - realist stories is the average
    man, the common man. Yet as this first collection makes clear, `the
    average man is not what he used to be.' Perceptive, curious, fallible,
    Hallman's Everyman is self-aware enough to understand that personal
    change is necessary, but not aware enough to know how to achieve it '
    a condition, the book suggests, that may be our common lot. As the
    narrator of `Autopoiesis for the Common Man' remarks: `Indeed, to err
    is more than human, it is biological.' Hallman reconfigures our
    everyday errors and flaws into deeply affecting fiction. In `Ethan: A
    Love Story,' the narrator visits home over Christmas. Middle-aged and
    never married, he feels alienated from his strident family, who, he
    says, `had decided to respond to the world's basic intricacy so
    differently from me that just recognizing myself in them, in their
    mannerisms and bad habits, made me kind of lonely.'
    However, there is one family member not of that ilk ' his 6-year-old
    nephew, Ethan. Likewise alienated, Ethan gravitates to his outsider
    uncle, introducing him to a world of video games and fantasy. What
    could have been a sentimental story about lessons learned from a child
    is subtly transformed by the author's fabulist brushstroke, which
    paradoxically makes things not stranger but more familiar. Hallman is
    wonderfully bright. Yet in a few stories, that brightness lights the
    stage too well for his searching characters, who seem to find their
    way better in the dark.

    By Chuck Palahniuk

    Readers of Palahniuk's excellent early work (`Fight Club,' `Invisible
    Mon - sters') will sense a shallow, phoned-in quality to his new
    novel. Despite its transgressive trappings and cultural- - critique
    posturing, `Pygmy' is as defanged as Marilyn Manson. The book renders
    a tween world where antisocial behavior leads either to sex or to an
    exasperated eye-roll. Adults are nonentities, often passed out from
    the `roofies' slipped them by their own children. That's well and good
    ' but when your primary characters are as poorly developed as your
    unconscious ones, it's a problem. Pygmy, the book's narrator, is
    utterly unconvincing as a Hitler-quoting 13-year-old terrorist
    operative. His antagonism toward America is his motivation, its
    destruction his goal: fine. But where is he from? A `totalitarian
    state,' is all we learn from the jacket copy. When the story opens,
    Pygmy and other teenagers from his country arrive in America as
    exchange students, but they are actually sleeper cells waiting to
    unleash `Operation Havoc,' whatever that is. Pygmy narrates the book
    in part broken English and part who-knows-what: `In Magda hands
    already knotted finger ready Cobra One-Strike No-Blood, bam-slam,
    inflict cat sister instant dead. More fast most eye able look.' The
    entire book sounds like that. Add to this the de rigueur transgressive
    stuff: explicit sodomy and rape, extreme cruelty to animals,
    manga-like violence and kids buying their mothers vibrators for
    Mother's Day, and you've got this year's Palahniuk. What will he think
    of next?

    Joseph Salvatore teaches writing and literature at the New School. eview/Salvatore-t.html