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ANKARA: Russia visit timing vital, says minister

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  • ANKARA: Russia visit timing vital, says minister

    Monday, July 06, 2009 01:58

    Russia visit timing vital, says minister

    MOSCOW - Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoðlu said the
    "normalization process" between Turkey and Armenia and the Minsk
    Group's efforts to solve the Azerbaijani-Armenian dispute have created
    a positive atmosphere in the Caucasus.
    Speaking to Turkish reporters following his meeting with Russian
    Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on Thursday, Davutoðlu said
    that his visit's timing was crucial.
    "Since I assumed the post of Turkish foreign minister, I have tried to
    visit countries to which we attach great importance. Accordingly, I
    had talks in the United States and Germany. I visited Azerbaijan,
    Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkish Cyprus. Within such a framework, I
    paid a one-day working visit to Russia and had a chance to go over our
    relations with Lavrov," Davutoðlu said.
    Referring to Turkish-Russian ties, Davutoðlu stressed that there were
    no political problems between the two countries. There is a will on
    both sides to resolve certain technical and bureaucratic problems,
    Davutoðlu said. "Russia is supporting normalization of the relations
    between Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan with triple diplomatic
    processes. But the Minsk Group is conducting the talks and we believe
    that it would not be beneficial to open a new platform," he said. He
    said a new round of talks between the leaders of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan were being planned with the participation of Lavrov.
    In response to a question on Cyprus, Davutoðlu said that Lavrov and he
    discussed the issue of Cyprus. "Russia is a member of the United
    Nations Security Council. We consider Cyprus to be a matter of the
    United Nations and do not think that it would be appropriate to carry
    Cyprus to another platform. Turkey and Russia share the same
    viewpoints on Cyprus. The Russians also think that Cyprus should be
    resolved within the boundaries of the United Nations," Davutoðlu said.