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Universal Condemnation Of Genocide Is Required

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  • Universal Condemnation Of Genocide Is Required

    By Victor Dominello MP

    Armenia Online

    Arme nia Online, launched in 2009, is the internet version of its parent
    weekly newspaper. It will deliver real-time news from Australia,
    Armenia and the greater Diaspora every day. It serves to cover
    community news and events.

    The Armenian genocide is a heart-felt issue for the many residents of
    Ryde who are of Armenian heritage. But in my mind it is also a most
    important topic for all people who live in a civilised society. In
    a world that is becoming smaller and where the lines on maps are
    becoming less and less relevant, the concept of deliberately killing
    one's neighbours, friends, brothers, sisters, sons or daughters on
    the grounds of their nationality, their race, or their political or
    cultural persuasion is beyond abhorrent--it is inconceivable. However,
    genocide is not inconceivable, it is not unthinkable and it is not
    unbelievable, because it has already happened. It happened in 1915,
    when about 1.5 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Government
    on the grounds that they were Armenians.

    Universal condemnation of genocide is required. A failure to condemn
    and punish the perpetrators of genocide will simply encourage evil
    to flourish.

    History has shown us that it takes very little for evil to
    surface. Evil is like a virulent weed: it needs only a modicum of soil
    to grow,20and it will grow anywhere and in most conditions. One must
    remain vigilant to ensure that, when evil surfaces, the conditions for
    its growth are stunted or removed. To the extent that we can measure
    the progress of our civilisation, it can only be by reference to
    the steps that we have put in place to ensure that the dark side of
    our history is never repeated. The very first step in moving forward
    is to acknowledge the past. This was done in a very powerful way on
    Sunday 19 April 2009, and in the week that followed.

    On that Sunday I attended a considered address by Dr Paul Bartrop
    on the occasion of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration evening held
    at the University of Technology, Sydney, Kuring-gai campus. On the
    evening of 24 April 2009 I, together with a number of Ryde-based
    Australian Armenians, caught a chartered bus to Parliament House to
    attend a wreath-laying ceremony and lecture. On Sunday 26 April 2009
    I attended the ninety-fourth commemoration of the Armenian genocide,
    organised by Ryde City Council, at Meadowbank. For me that week was
    powerful for a number of reasons. The Sunday address was held in a
    sombre setting, with photos displayed of some of the deplorable acts
    that took place during the genocide. The photos were in black and
    white and, whilst they captured only an instant in time, they will
    remain etched in my memory forever.

    The week was also powerful as I witnessed the strength o f the
    descendents of the survivors of the genocide, who gather together to
    pay respect to those lost, and to ensure that the flame of justice
    remains alight. What I have said should not be read as a criticism
    of the Turkish people. Such a construction would be offensive to me
    and to the tenor of the issue that I raise in this House. Indeed,
    to this day there are many heroic Turkish people who are also urging
    the recognition of the Armenian genocide.

    The relationship between Australia and Turkey is a very special one. It
    is forged in history and in blood on the shores of Gallipoli. The way
    in which Turkey and Australia come together each year to commemorate
    Anzac Day is a model expression of how, with leadership, people can
    unite notwithstanding past conflict.

    The Armenian community in New South Wales, and in Ryde, is in good
    hands. It is fortunate to have the spiritual leadership of Aghan
    Baliozan, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Australia and
    New Zealand. The community has natural leaders amongst its numbers in
    Gladys Berejiklian, the member for Willoughby, and, at a local level,
    in Deputy Mayor Councillor Sarkis Yedellian and Councillor Artin
    Ekmekjian. It also has wonderful organisations such as the Armenian
    Chamber of Commerce, the Armenian Senior Citizens Support Group,
    the Ararat Scouts, Mission Armenia, the Armenian National Committee
    and the Armenian Youth Federation of Australia.

    It is important to the many Australian Armenians in Ryde that I speak
    out about this issue so that they know where I stand. The world needs
    leaders who will take a stance on issues of principle, despite the
    diplomatic difficulties that may arise. For this, I applaud members of
    this Parliament who showed leadership on 17 April 1997 by unanimously
    resolving to commemorate and condemn the Armenian genocide. I endorse
    this resolution and call on the Federal Government to follow suit. The
    world needs people who believe that words matter. I ask the Australian
    Armenian community of Ryde to listen to these words: I will stand
    shoulder to shoulder with you in your goals to obtain recognition
    and justice arising from the Armenian genocide.