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NKR: The Nkr Leadership Once Again Displayed Its Good Will

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  • NKR: The Nkr Leadership Once Again Displayed Its Good Will


    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    2009-07-07 11:35
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

    NKR MFA Information Department's Comment

    The comments and statements by the Azerbaijan party, including the
    officials of the Azerbaijani Republic, on the recent initiative of
    the creative intelligentsia of the Armenian and Azerbaijani people
    provide misinterpretation of the events.

    In this regard, on the request of the mass media, the NKR MFA
    Information Department offers the following comment:

    "The Nagorno Karabakh leadership once again displayed its good will
    and agreed to host the intelligentsia representatives of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, headed by Ambassadors of Armenia and Azerbaijan to
    the Russian Federation Armen Smbatyan and Polad Byul-Byul Oghly, as
    well as RF MFA Special Missions Ambassador, RF President's Special
    Representative on Cultural Issues Mikhail Shvidkoy, thus reaffirming
    its principal allegiance to the Karabakh conflict peaceful settlement

    As to the certain differences concerning the Azerbaijani delegation's
    visit itinerary and members, the Karabakh party did not only demand
    to change of itinerary, but also to exclude the Azerbaijani Milli
    Mejlis Deputy, Khavva Mamedova, and the delegation member, Chingiz
    Ismailov, out of the delegation for their marked anti-Karabakhian
    and anti-Armenian position.

    Taking into consideration the Azerbaijani party's interest i n the
    visit, it is easy to guess that official Baku tries to drastically
    change the format of the negotiation process and to negotiate
    directly, without any mediators, with the NKR authorities, which has
    no alternative.

    Taking into account the incentives of such mutual visits aimed at
    reducing the tension between the societies involved in the conflict,
    the event is worth noticing.

    This visit is especially notable in the sense that the Azerbaijani
    intelligentsia representatives, having visited our country, evidenced
    once again that they deal with an existing state, where, for the
    period after the proclamation of an independent republic, overcoming
    the difficulties and obstacles arisen as a result of the Azerbaijani
    aggression, the imposed war, and the blockade, unprecedented progress
    in all the spheres has been fixed, which created the best preconditions
    for the international recognition of the NKR independence".