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Baku's Warming To Israel Angers Iran

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  • Baku's Warming To Israel Angers Iran


    9 Jul 2009

    Tehran's attempt to scupper the Israeli president's visit gets
    nowhere, as Baku decides that ties to Israel take priority over
    Islamic solidarity, by Kenan Guluzade for IWPR.

    The first visit by a president of Israel to independent Azerbaijan
    has caused a diplomatic rupture between Baku and Tehran, as well as
    highlighting warming ties between the Central Asian republic and the
    Jewish state.

    President Shimon Peres made his official visit to Azerbaijan on
    June 28-29. The countries signed two agreements, on cooperation in
    the fields of science, education and culture and on information and
    communication technologies.

    Israel has maintained an embassy in Baku since the early Nineties,
    shortly after Azerbaijan declared independence from the Soviet Union.

    Baku has not yet reciprocated by opening an embassy in Israel. Nor
    have Israeli officials been invited to visit the overwhelmingly Muslim
    country until recently.

    Boyukaga Agayev, head of South Caucasus Research Centre, said the
    Israeli visit had been symbolically significant as well as posing
    dilemmas for a state like Azerbaijan, which was Muslim but secular -
    and keen to have feet in several camps.

    "Azerbaijan is a secular state but most of the population is Muslim
    and overfriendly relations with Israel might be misinterpreted by
    allies in the Organisation of the Islamic Conference as a breach of
    Muslim unity," Agayev said.

    "This organisation supports Baku in opposition to Yerevan," he added,
    referring to Azerbaijan's rancorous dispute with its neighbour Armenia
    over the territory of Nagorny Karabakh.

    A separate problem was Iran - a regional partner of Azerbaijan in
    the OIC but a bitter foe of Israel. "Tehran actively objects to us
    opening an embassy in Israel as well as to the visit of officials
    from that country to Baku," Agayev continued.

    One day before Perez's visit, Iran reminded Azerbaijan of its feelings
    on the issue, urging Baku to close the Israeli embassy and describing
    the visit of the Israeli head of state as an insult to the Islamic

    Azerbaijan's foreign minister, Elmar Mammadyarov, replied that Baku
    would do no such thing while Iran remained friendly to archenemy

    "Iran's declaration about the need to close the Israeli embassy in
    Azerbaijan is surprising," he said, noting that Iran continued to
    "receive officials from Armenia at the highest level".

    After Iran's protest failed to have any effect, Tehran recalled
    its ambassador to Baku, Muhammad Bagir Bahrami, "for consultations"
    while Perez was in the country.

    Baku's cool response to Tehran's blustering reflects the fact that
    ties between Azerbaijan and Israel have become increasingly important
    for both countries.

    The value of trade between the countries has risen to 3.6 billion
    US dollars annually, based on figures for 2008, substantially as a
    result of Azerbaijani oil exported to Israel through the Turkish port
    of Ceyhan.

    Political scientist Rasim Musabayov says Tehran has little leverage
    over Baku, as a result of the growing mutual interests between
    Azerbaijan and Israel over trade and energy.

    "Israel is interested in a relationship with a secular Muslim country,
    which is at the same time an energy supplier," Musabayov noted.

    "Israel is also the third buyer of Azerbaijan's oil in terms of volume.

    "Meanwhile Israel wishes to export agricultural products and
    technology to Azerbaijan and, as it emerged during Perez's visit,
    military equipment as well."

    The Jewish community in - and from - Azerbaijan is another link
    between the two states.

    More than 30,000 Jews still live in Azerbaijan. During the Soviet
    era, that number exceeded 100,000. Those who have migrated to Israel
    are seen as lobbyists for the interests of Azerbaijan in Israel -
    a fact to which Azerbaijan's president, Ilham Aliev, referred during
    Perez's visit.

    "The Jewish lobby gives great support to Azerbaijan in international
    organisations and US," Boyukaga Agayev said.

    "The economic and political relationship [between the two states]
    makes the partnership of Azerbaijan and Israel inevitable - in spite
    of the possibly negative reaction of the OIC and Iran above all."

    Not everyone in Azerbaijan appreciates the burgeoning alliance between
    their country and Israel, however.

    Some politicians and public figures strongly objected to Perez's visit,
    especially those with religious sensibilities.

    "Perez's visit is appreciated very negatively from the point of
    view of Muslim unity, and as a Muslim I don't want to host a person
    responsible for the recent Holocaust in the Gaza Strip," said Haji
    Ilgar Ibrahimoglu, head of the Centre for Protection of Freedom
    Conscience and Religion.

    The theologian was referring to Israel's controversial military action
    against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

    "It is especially bad to do this at a time when Baku is claiming it
    is centre of Islamic culture," Ibrahimoglu noted.

    "That doesn't mean I support Iran... I also oppose the fraternisation
    between Tehran and Yerevan and [Armenian president] Serj Sargsyan's
    visits to Muslim countries. I am just against people and countries
    that act aggressively to, and terrorise, Muslims."

    The theologian insisted he was not motivated by any feelings of

    "Jews are my brothers and sisters; they are very wise and talented,"
    he said. "I don't associate the whole of Israel with terror and Zionism
    just as I don't associate all Muslims with Taleban and al-Qaeda."

    Opposition on the part of active Muslims to Perez's visit to Baku
    did not develop into mass protests.

    Even Nardaran, a religiously conservative Muslim suburb of Baku, where
    the population is very supportive of Iran - and where they frequently
    demonstrate this by burning US and Israeli flags - saw no disturbances.

    Political scientist Rasim Musabayov said the lack of a response on
    the streets to the Israeli visit was not surprising.

    "The support base within Azerbaijan for Iran's position is very weak,"
    he said. "In any case, Azerbaijan is a secular country."

    As for the simultaneous arrival in Baku of Russian president Dmitriy
    Medvedev while Perez was also there, this was another warning signal
    to Iran to back away.

    Concerning plans to open an Azerbaijan embassy in Israel, Rasim
    Musabayov is sure of one thing, "It will be opened even sooner if
    Iran continues with its negative campaign."