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USA: One Step Closer To Lifting HIV Travel Ban

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  • USA: One Step Closer To Lifting HIV Travel Ban

    by Juhie Bhatia

    Global Voices Online
    Thursday, July 9th, 2009 @ 23:11 UTC

    Last week the U.S. government initiated the final steps required to
    lift long-standing travel and immigration restrictions imposed on
    HIV-positive foreigners.

    Under the current ban HIV-positive foreigners, whether they're
    tourists or business travelers, can't enter the U.S., though in
    exceptional cases a waiver can be granted. The policy, which has
    been in place for more than 15 years, also prevents immigrants with
    HIV from becoming legal permanent residents. This is because the
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) includes HIV as one
    of the "communicable diseases of public health significance" that bar
    people from entering the U.S. But last week the HHS issued proposed
    regulations that would remove HIV from this communicable diseases list.

    Many activists and bloggers are applauding the move, since it kicks
    off the process to repeal the ban. For instance, Erin, blogging on an
    aspiring midwife, says: "It took until 2009, but the government finally
    overturned one of the most blatantly discriminate laws legislated in
    the past twenty years."

    The first step to lift the ban was actually taken last July, when
    President George W. Bush signed a bill into law containing an amendment
    that would strike down the ban. But the prohibition stayed in place
    because HIV was still on the communicable disease list, allowing the
    U.S. government to stop those with HIV from entering the country. Last
    month, for example, HIV-positive British activist Paul Thorn was
    denied a visa when he tried to participate in a conference taking
    place in Seattle. This video provides more background of the ban.

    While various countries around the world have some travel or
    immigration restrictions on those with HIV, the U.S. is one of a
    few countries with such a restrictive policy on simply entering the
    country. The blog DYM SUM elaborates: "An interesting side note:
    only a dozen countries in the world, besides the United States,
    still have an HIV travel ban in place. They are Iraq, China, Saudi
    Arabia, Libya, Sudan, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, Moldova, Russia, Armenia,
    and South Korea. If you need to, read that list a second time, and
    think about what's wrong there."

    In response to the news, bloggers have been sharing their experiences
    of trying to get into the U.S. or strategies they've heard can
    circumvent the travel ban. For example, The Evolution of Jeremiah,
    a blog from Canada, says: "I never had a problem getting into the
    United States. Nobody asked me, and nobody needed to know. This will
    be good news to travelers world wide. Hopefully this will come into
    effect sooner than later."

    Bobito, commenting on a blog post on Queerty, explains other strategies
    that those with HIV have used: "From what I've been told, if they
    [U.S. customs] find the antiviral medications in a traveler's luggage,
    they do not let the person leave the airport. There are ways to avoid
    this situation, such as mailing one's meds to a friend in America
    before you fly, and I think there are some HIV support organizations
    that provide some help in this, too.

    I also read that, if they do a random luggage search and find
    antiviral meds, then they stamp HIV+ into the traveller's passport,
    making all future attempts to travel into countries that ban HIV+
    visitors impossible, but I don't remember where I read."

    A report released in June by Human Rights Watch describes how these
    policies can have health consequences on HIV-positive migrants. The
    blog Empowerment for HIV Positive Migrants and Spouses, based in
    Malaysia, also discusses how these restrictions can be detrimental
    to those with HIV. It states: "Misconception and prejudice on HIV
    due to lack of information still caused stigmatisation on PLHIV
    [People Living with HIV]. There is a trend for PLHIV who travels to
    countries with restrictions to stop their treatment [ART] to avoid
    entry ban. This step caused resistance to the treatment...

    ...All countries have to remember that all UN member states were signed
    on to the International Health Regulations which does not single out
    any diseases, including HIV. This regulation must be the baseline of
    advocacy for treatment provision in the country. Influential countries
    such as USA and China should take on the leadership on this regard and
    be a good role model for other countries when they actually eliminate
    the restrictions."

    Now that the HHS has posted their proposed regulations, there will
    be a 45 day public comment period that ends on August 17. If the
    regulations are adopted after the comment period, they will then
    need to be implemented. The final timeline for implementation isn't
    currently known, but some activists hope for something by the end of
    the year. The blog DYM SUM says everyone will benefit if the ban is
    repealed and the new regulations implemented.

    "This has been a lesser issue of contention in some parts of the
    GLBTQ [gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning]
    community, but - without question - is equally important to other
    matters that need to be addressed. Of course, it goes without saying
    that lifting the HIV travel ban affects not only the GLBTQ community,
    but the entire world as well."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress