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Karabakh Leader Demands Role In Armenia-Azeri Talks

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  • Karabakh Leader Demands Role In Armenia-Azeri Talks


    Georgian daily
    July 10 2009

    STEPANAKERT, Azerbaijan, July 10 (Reuters) - The de facto leader of
    the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region on Friday demanded a role in
    forthcoming talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia that diplomats say
    could yield a breakthrough.

    The presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan will meet in Russia on July 17
    in talks that could open a "new page" in negotiations in the 15-year
    conflict over the province of 150,000 people, a French mediator said
    on Wednesday.

    But the region's de facto leader, Bako Sahakyan, on Friday demanded
    a role in the talks for the rulers of Nagorno-Karabakh, known as
    Artsakh in Armenian, saying the current format is "deficient."

    "Artsakh, as the main party to the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict, is
    now out of the negotiations and we should restore this important
    principle," Sahakyan said at a conference in Stepanakert,
    Nagorno-Karabakh's main city.

    "Without the consent of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh any decision
    will be impossible to implement," he said.

    Ethnic Armenian separatists, backed by Armenia, fought a war to throw
    off Azerbaijan's control over Nagorno-Karabakh in the early 1990s at
    the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    An estimated 30,000 people were killed before a ceasefire took effect,
    and the Christian Armenians and Muslim Azeris have never signed a
    peace accord to end the conflict.

    The West is concerned that any new fighting in the region could
    jeopardise oil and gas supplies from Azeri reserves in the Caspian Sea.

    Sahakyan, who wants full independence for the enclave, said any
    attempts to present the province as a part of Azerbaijan would be
    "incomprehensible and unacceptable."

    In recent years Azerbaijan has insisted that Nagorno-Karabakh's ethnic
    Armenian leadership not take part in peace talks, arguing that Armenia
    represents their interests.

    Analysts say that even if a deal is reached between the Armenian
    and Azerbaijani presidents it could be difficult to sell the
    necessary compromises to the people of the two countries and those
    of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    (Reporting by Hasmik Lazarian; writing by Conor Humphries; editing
    by Tim Pearce)

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress