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Feeling Low On Energy? Have A Bath In A Barrel Of Crude Oil

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  • Feeling Low On Energy? Have A Bath In A Barrel Of Crude Oil


    Saturday, 11 July 2009

    Azerbaijan has found a therapeutic use for its excess supply of
    oil. Louis Imbert reports from Baku

    NormalLargeExtra LargeWrapped in a white bathrobe, Arkady Shabunin
    stares out the window of the Naftalan clinic at the carcass of a yellow
    Lada balanced on four piles of bricks. It is an unlikely place for a
    spa retreat but the captain of a Siberian rafting team has travelled
    1,800 miles to the Azeri capital of Baku for 10 days of massages and
    baths - using not mud, nor seaweed, but crude oil.

    The attendant beckons. Mr Shabunin strips and enters a ceramic-tiled

    He grabs hold of the ornate bath handle and lowers his body into 35
    gallons of black gold - as much as a barrel. Orangey filaments swirl
    about on the surface, sticking to the enamel and to the hair on his
    skin. The smell from the 40°C bath makes our heads spin.

    If you strain your eyes, you can just about make out the tankers
    plying the Caspian Sea, transporting the light crude that Azerbaijan
    exports to the world. But the oil used here gushes out of the Earth
    at Naftalan, a small town 160 miles north-west of the capital.

    "Naftalan is too heavy for the industry," Dr Alif Zulfugar, the
    manager of this unlikely spa, explains. "It is used only for healing
    purposes. It doesn't get treated in any way.

    It passes directly from the source to our tankers and then into
    our basins."

    Clients flock to the clinic from all over the former Soviet states,
    and increasingly from the Emirates and even Europe.

    Marco Polo mentioned the virtues of Azeri oil in the 13th century. In
    The Travels, he wrote of a "fountain from which oil springs in great
    abundance ... not edible but good for burning and to treat men and
    animals with mange, and camels with hives and ulcers".

    In the pale blue corridors of the clinic, the yellow skin and slow gait
    of a woman indicate that she has just emerged from a bath. Tatiana
    Shabunin is a dermatologist and she is keeping her husband company
    during his treatment.

    She discovered Naftalan oil in her textbooks while at medical school
    in Moscow and has come out of professional curiosity and "for sheer

    Others come for medicinal reasons. The crude is said to heal the skin,
    treating conditions like eczema and psoriasis; the joints, easing
    rheumatism and arthritis; and the nerves. "Over 100 problems in all,"
    Dr Zulfugar says.

    However, the oil is almost 50 per cent naphthalene, a hydrocarbon
    commonly used as a moth repellent. This poses a problem because EU
    regulations deem it a potentially carcinogenic substance.

    The doctor shrugs off these concerns, saying the limited exposure
    of eight to 12 minutes in the bath, and not more than one bath
    a day during a 10- day treatment, means his patients are not at
    risk. Millions of patients have used the Naftalan baths, he says.

    In their 1980s heyday, 75,000 people visited the crude spas each
    year. That torrent became a trickle in 1988 when war broke out between
    Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenians in nearby Nagorno-Karabakh. Five of
    the six Soviet-era resorts became refugee shelters.

    Azerbaijan has since experienced a new petroleum boom, emerging as a
    key transit route for oil from Central Asia to Europe. Gross domestic
    product grew more than 20 per cent a year on average between 2003
    and 2007, making the economy one of the world's fastest growing. The
    country is so awash in oil that people are literally swimming in it -
    and Baku is cashing in.

    "Look at this hill," says Hikmat Ibrahimov, the founder of the
    clinic. "When we started, there was nothing here." Today it boasts
    a power station, restaurants and cranes, many cranes.

    In 2002, Mr Ibrahimov pulled off a coup by obtaining the right to
    transport the crude from the remote plains of the hinterlands to the
    very rich Azeri capital. "With President Aliev's help," he dutifully
    adds. Construction started on a second clinic this winter.

    In the VIP bathroom, the 18-year-old bathboy, Ismael, helps the
    Russian rafter to the shower for his 30-minute scrubdown. It will take
    Ismael three months to earn the £300 pounds it costs for a 10-day
    treatment. He jokes that h is client will be taking a few drops of
    black gold back to Siberia as a souvenir: Mr Shabunin's saturated
    skin will ooze crude oil for two or three days to come.

    Azerbaijan: Land of black gold

    *A former Soviet Republic, Azerbaijan lies at a strategic crossroads
    between the East and the West, sandwiched between Iran and Russia
    and straddling a region emerging as a key transit route for oil and
    gas from Central Asia to Europe.

    *Its 8.7 million people are mostly Shia Muslims. They speak Azeri,
    which is closely related to Turkish, although Russian dominates the
    capital, Baku.

    n Gross domestic product grew by more than 20 per cent a year on
    average between 2003 and 2007, making the economy one of the world's
    fastest growing.

    *Ethnic Armenian separatists, backed by Armenia, fought a war in
    the 1990s to throw off Azerbaijan's control over the mountainous
    Nagorno-Karabakh region. An estimated 30,000 people were killed. The
    presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan are expected to meet in Russia
    next week for talks to end the conflict.