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NICOSIA: Cyprus, Armenia Back Accession Of "Modern" Turkey To EU

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  • NICOSIA: Cyprus, Armenia Back Accession Of "Modern" Turkey To EU


    Cyprus News Agency
    July 7 2009

    Yerevan, 7 Jul: Cyprus and Armenia are clearly in favour of the
    accession of a modern Turkey to the EU, the Presidents of the two
    countries said here on Monday, after talks at the Presidential Palace.

    Responding to a question, at a joint press conference with his Armenian
    counterpart Serzh Sargsyan, Cyprus President Demetris Christofias
    [Dhimitrios Khristofias] said there are common positions on this
    issue with Sargsyan.

    Referring to the ongoing direct negotiations on the Cyprus question,
    Christofias said there are very important issues on which there is
    disagreement, adding that there is convergence on other issues.

    He said there is disagreement on the participation of the island's
    two communities in government, the right to property, the presence
    of the united federal Republic of Cyprus to the EU, financial issues
    and the presence of 160 thousand Turkish settlers on the island.

    Referring to the issue of security and guarantees, he said that "we
    look forward to seeing Turkey, as a modern state, understanding that
    it cannot hold the Republic of Cyprus a hostage."

    Christofias said that bilateral relations in certain areas can be
    enhanced, noting that meetings between entrepreneurs must take place
    both in Nicosia and Yerevan and bilateral agreements must be signed
    the soonest possible.

    Armenia has a stable friend in the EU, a supporter on which it can
    rely, President Christofias said, adding that Armenia is in dialogue
    with the EU and implements plenty of programmes. Cyprus, he pointed
    out, is ready to help overcome any problems in this dialogue.

    Sargsyan underlined that if Turkey becomes an EU member, it will be
    a country with European values "and we want such a country next to us."

    President Christofias said that "we are in favour of the accession of
    a modernised Turkey with a European behaviour," noting that Turkey
    must not join the EU simply because it is a big country and a major
    market, but it must accept and implement the accession conditions
    and values of the EU.

    He noted that if Turkey wants to join the EU, it cannot continue
    to occupy part of an EU member state, not to recognize an EU member
    state and continue to hold its ports and airports closed to Cypriot
    vessels and airplanes.

    Christofias welcomed the initiative of his Armenian counterpart to
    smooth Armenia's relations with Turkey and noted that Turkey is a
    difficult interlocutor. He said there is no other alternative than
    the peaceful settlement of disputes, but this does not mean that
    either Cyprus or Armenia will abrogate their principles.

    The President said that Cyprus continues to condemn the Armenian
    genocide, adding that "I consider Turkish Cypriots as our brothers
    and children of the same country, but our neighbouring country has
    no right to impose its will."

    The Armenian President said that Armenia and Cyprus support each
    other's positions on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh and the Cyprus
    question and the settlement of problems through negotiations in the
    framework of international legitimacy.

    He also noted that Cyprus is a friendly country which opened its
    gates to the victims of the Armenian genocide and welcomed them with
    open arms.

    Sargsyan said that bilateral financial relations are not on the
    right level, adding that "we can do plenty of things" towards further
    developing these ties, adding that establishing an interstate committee
    is very important.

    He noted that cooperation with Cyprus gives a new impetus to
    cooperation between Armenia and European structures, adding that
    Armenia's participation in the Eastern Partnership opens new horizons
    for cooperation between Cyprus and Armenia.

    President Christofias invited the President of Armenia to pay an
    official visit to Cyprus.

    President Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat have
    been engaged in direct negotiations with a view to reach a settlement
    of the problem of Cyprus divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and
    occupied 37 per cent of its territory.