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Armenian Leader, Azeri Envoy To Russia Discuss Karabakh Conflict

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  • Armenian Leader, Azeri Envoy To Russia Discuss Karabakh Conflict


    Public Television of Armenia
    July 3 2009

    [Presenter] Armenian President [Serzh] Sargsyan has received
    the members of a delegation [led by the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    ambassadors to Russia], noting that he is sure that the members of
    the delegation are in Armenia because they have a deep realization
    of their responsibilities before posterity and aspire to establish
    peace and mutual understanding [in the region].

    [Sargsyan speaking in Russian with Armenian voice-over] We are living
    in a unique geographical region which is different form others with
    its unique culture and geopolitical significance. Unfortunately, our
    region is rich with unsolved problems too and only mutual trust and
    cooperation atmosphere can allow us to think about better future for
    our nations. In this regard, we had always been and continue to be
    of #the opinion that it is possible to resolve complicated problems
    through cooperation and negotiations. We have noticed an initiative
    by our ambassadors in this context and welcomed it.

    [Passage omitted: the importance of developing public and culture
    relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan was noted at the meeting]

    [Polad Bulbuloglu, Azerbaijani ambassador to Russia, speaking in
    Russian with Armenian voice-over] The meeting with the Armenian
    president was more constructive. He carefully listened to us
    and his attitude towards an initiative by the civilian society
    was comprehensible. I would like to express my gratitude to both
    [Armenian and Azerbaijani] presidents for creating an opportunity
    for this meeting.

    [Passage omitted: the representative of the Russian president for
    cultural-social issues and former Russian minister of culture,
    Mikhail Shvydkoy, speaking about close relations between Armenians
    and Azerbaijani in Russia]

    [Armenian ambassador to Russia, Armen Smbatyan, speaking in Armenian]
    We try to establish relations in culture sphere and we are succeeding
    doing this. I am sure that no-one is able to eradicate a neighbouring
    institution. We are neighbours and we understand that neither
    Armenians, nor Azerbaijanis will leave their countries. We can or
    cannot respect each other, but we are obliged to establish relations
    and think about the future.