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Mock War Or Serious Peace?

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  • Mock War Or Serious Peace?

    by Yulia Kalinina

    WPS Agency
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    July 3, 2009 Friday

    Military training hints at war with Georgia

    The "Kavkaz-2009" war games are under way in the south of the
    country. They will continue until July 6 and comprise 8,500 people
    from different branches of the military and law enforcement.

    The military training is held in the N. Caucasus every year. Last
    year its premise was the same as this July - anti-terrorist operations.

    As it happened, last year's training preceded a war. In August its
    participants fought for Tskhinval, and that was no surprise to many
    military experts following the events in South Ossetia.

    According to some analysts the "Kavkaz-2009" training may also precede
    a war.

    Troops are training, learning from the mistakes they made during the
    last year's war. Then they may enter Georgia to remove Saakashvili
    and install a new regime, which will give a solution to problems
    which have become an impasse with the current one. These problems
    exist and they are a concern to the Kremlin. The most important one
    being there is no land line to connect Russia and Armenia. Georgia
    has banned all military traffic over its territory, so Russia cannot
    man and equip her new base in Armenia.

    There is one Russian military base there - in Yerevan and Gyumri. 3000
    men are stationed there. The second one was to be set up near Idjevan
    in the north-east of Armenia, near Azerbaijani and Georgian border. It
    was planned to move the equipment there from the former Russian base
    in Akhalkalaki in Georgia. Also, building a new mid-frequency radar
    station is planned.

    In order for these plans to come true it is necessary for Russia to
    have road connection to Armenia. That is only possible via Azerbaijan
    or Georgia, there is no other way. Azerbaijan is not a possibility
    because of Nagorno-Karabakh. Georgia remains. Something needs to be
    done about her, as Armenia having no land connection to Russia causes
    problems not only military, but also geopolitical. There some talk
    already in Armenia of joining NATO, and this talk needs to be stemmed,
    otherwise Russia will have to completely withdraw from Trans-Caucasus.

    So there is a real reason for the second war in Georgia, no doubt
    about that.