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Unibank Armenia Launched New Program for Car Crediting

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  • Unibank Armenia Launched New Program for Car Crediting

    RIA Oreanda, Russia
    Economic News
    July 9, 2009 Thursday

    Unibank Armenia Launched New Program for Car Crediting

    Yerevan. OREANDA-NEWS . July 9, 2009. Unibank launched a new program
    for car crediting U-Auto, within the framework of which loans up to
    USD 70 thousands are issued for purchasing car in the primary
    market. The loan is provided for the term of 4 years, the annual
    interest rate in USD starting from 20%, minimum prepayment 20%.

    The program provides for the right of the customer to fully or
    partially repay the debt ahead of time without collection of
    commission fees. As of May 31, 2009, Unibank portfolio of car credits
    made USD 24.6mln.