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Contract With Armenia

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  • Contract With Armenia

    Washington Monthly
    July 11 2009

    Contract With Armenia

    America may be no good at exporting democracy, but it's great at
    exporting political consultants.

    By Joshua Green

    Alpha Dogs:
    The Americans Who Turned Political Spin Into a Global Business
    By James Harding
    Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 252 pp.

    few years ago, I wrote a long article on Karl Rove's history of dirty
    tricks that got a lot of attention in a place I didn't expect:
    Australia. The radio and television producers calling from Down Under
    explained that the negative style of politics that Rove is famous for
    was dominating their national election. They were calling halfway
    around the world because they were looking for information on the
    source. I'd never thought of American politics as a form of cultural
    imperialism, but indeed it is one: like the early American settlers
    who spread smallpox to the Indians, American political consultants
    have carried their methods across the globe.

    How this happened is the subject of James Harding's book, Alpha Dogs:
    The Americans Who Turned Political Spin Into a Global
    Business. Harding, an editor at the Times of London, tells the story
    of David Sawyer and Scott Miller, a documentary filmmaker and ad man,
    respectively, who teamed up to establish an unlikely consulting firm
    in the late 1970s that Harding credits with spurring this dubious form
    of globalization. Sawyer and Miller weren't the first political
    consultants to work abroad. But during the 1980s their firm became the
    biggest. `They seized upon the opportunity of taking the American
    campaign ethic overseas,' Harding writes, `and became the progenitors
    of a discreet international industry in American political know-how.'
    At its height, he claims, the Sawyer Miller Group touched more than a
    billion people in twenty-six countries'a bigger global reach than

    Like a lot of successful people in politics, the firm's founders came
    into the field almost by accident. Sawyer had just completed an
    Oscar-nominated documentary about mental patients when he was
    approached by a Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate to shoot a biopic
    in the newly fashionable verité style. He soon found himself in
    heavy demand. Miller was a frustrated Madison Avenue star'he coined
    the phrase, `Have a Coke and a smile!''who longed for meaningful work
    in a smaller firm. The pair quickly gained a reputation in Democratic
    circles as being masters of the emerging medium of television, which
    was revolutionizing the world of politics.

    Sawyer Miller enjoyed modest success in U.S. politics, but the 1980s
    were not banner years for the Democratic Party. David Sawyer had
    worked as a consultant in the Venezuelan election of 1973. As
    television spread throughout Latin America and other parts of the
    world, consultants like Sawyer skilled in producing televised
    political ads found they could market themselves in foreign countries,
    often for a lot of money. Soon, Sawyer Miller consultants were jetting
    around the globe and running polished, American-style campaigns in
    places like the Philippines, Colombia, Israel, Nigeria and Sudan.

    It was a glamorous lifestyle that even captured Hollywood's
    attention. The 1986 Sidney Lumet movie Power (reportedly Rove's
    favorite) starred Richard Gere as a jet-setting political operative
    and playboy whose character was based on David Sawyer. In addition to
    the glamour, Harding sees a strain of crusading idealism. He argues
    that one important effect of the Sawyer Miller consultants was to help
    usher in democracy in places like the Philippines and Chile, which
    lacked it, by getting new leaders elected.

    While true in a limited sense, Harding imbues his subjects with
    high-flown principles they seem not always to deserve. Though Sawyer
    Miller was considered a Democratic firm domestically, they often
    didn't hesitate to work for less-than-progressive `darker' regimes
    abroad, including dictators in Panama and Sudan. They were quite
    upfront about why. `I just want to be clear,' a Sawyer Miller
    consultant tells a new recruit. `What we want to do, what I want to do
    is make a shitpot full of money.'

    As the 1980s progressed, money became an ever-greater focus. Sawyer
    Miller took on more corporate work, carving out a niche in corporate
    crisis communication that included tobacco companies and many of the
    major insider-trading defendants on Wall Street. Its dwindling roster
    of political clients tended toward the unsavory. The firm was listed
    among the `Torturer's Lobby' in a report issued by a Washington think
    tank. As one disillusioned partner noted when he finally left the
    firm, `Good fees never come with good causes.' In the end, Miller quit
    and Sawyer was pushed out by cutthroat junior partners. The firm was
    eventually subsumed by a public relations conglomerate.

    By the time of Sawyer Miller's demise, however, global political spin
    was a crowded, competitive field. What's most striking about Harding's
    deeply researched and well-told book is how pervasive and indistinct
    American- style politics abroad really is: aided by U.S. consultants,
    Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi touted a `Contract with the Italian
    People' drawn up by the same team that designed Newt Gingrich's
    `Contract with America.' A few years after Bill Clinton was elected on
    the refrain, `Opportunity, Responsibility, and Community,' his
    advisors had Britain's Tony Blair parroting the same phrase. And if
    the continuing calls I get from the other side of the world are any
    indicator, the politics of Rove remain alive and well in Australia.

    Harding also offers convincing evidence that foreign work has had
    important effects on U.S. politics that remain little understood. In
    the mid-1990s, for example, Israel abandoned its party-based method of
    choosing a leader in favor of the American system of electing one
    directly. The 1999 Israeli election that pitted Ehud Barak against
    Benjamin Netanyahu featured a veritable all-star team of
    U.S. consultants, including James Carville, Stanley Greenberg, and Bob
    Shrum. Determined to prevent his candidate from being branded `soft on
    terrorism,' Shrum highlighted Barak's military record and battlefield
    valor, and sought to portray the incumbent Netanyahu as an
    out-of-touch and overly ambitious pol. It worked for Barak, who won a
    sweeping victory. But it failed five years later when Shrum ran
    essentially the same campaign for a U.S. presidential candidate, John

    After the 2001 election, Israel decided that American-style politics
    was perhaps not such a great thing after all; it returned to the old
    system of electing its prime minister by party. In that, it is a rare
    exception. For better or worse, the effects of the revolution Sawyer
    Miller set off in the 1980s have spanned the globe and seem far too
    deeply entrenched to undo. 008/