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Armenian leader says Public Council integral part of government

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  • Armenian leader says Public Council integral part of government

    Public Television of Armenia
    July 9 2009

    Armenian leader says Public Council integral part of government

    [Presenter] Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met 36 members of the
    Public Council today. This was the first meeting since the council had
    been completely formed. The president said that the council is an
    unprecedented institution whose structure and regulations draws on
    those of state agencies. Sargsyan noted that the government's
    assistance to the council depends on the activities of the its members
    and expressed his readiness to discuss any initiatives put forward by
    the council. Sargsyan said that he did not want the Public Council to
    be transformed into a closed club. On the contrary, he wants it to
    become the institution which is able to listen to opinions and make

    [Correspondent] Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met 36 members of
    the Public Council today, for the first time since the council had
    been completely formed. The president said that the development of the
    council depends on the activities of the 36 members of the council. He
    pointed out that the authorities are ready to discuss any initiative
    put forward by the council and view the council as an integral part of
    the state agencies.

    [Sargsyan] I am aware of the regulations of the council and suppose
    that your decisions are not binding for the administrative agencies of
    the state, and they will not have a direct influence on policies. But
    it is clear to everyone that this institution has been set up in order
    to have an influence exactly on policies. This may sound contradictory
    at first, but it is clear to me that there is no contradiction here.

    [Passage omitted: repetition]

    This structure is an important one. I did not pursue any aim [by
    setting up the council] and can assure you that I will not pursue any
    aim in the future either. I wish that you can play an important role
    in the process of decision making. I do not doubt that the operation
    of the council will be successful.

    [Passage omitted: the chairman of the Public Council briefed the
    president on future plans]