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BAKU: US diplomat comments on media freedom, use of radar station

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  • BAKU: US diplomat comments on media freedom, use of radar station

    Turan news agency, Azerbaijan
    July 11 2009

    US diplomat comments on media freedom, use of radar station, gas
    project in Baku

    Baku, 11 July: US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg held talks
    with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Baku yesterday. In a
    conversation with a group of journalists at the US embassy on Saturday
    [11 July] morning, Steinberg said that Azerbaijan was an important
    partner of the USA and an important country in the region which had
    good ties with both the West and the Islamic world. The USA attaches
    importance to cooperation with Azerbaijan in the energy sphere and
    rates highly its support in Afghanistan, Steinberg said.

    "I think Azerbaijan is a good example of how a country's national
    wealth is used for the welfare of its people," the deputy secretary of
    state said, asked whether democracy was possible in an eastern country
    rich with oil.

    How can the USA support new media in Azerbaijan in view of the arrest
    of bloggers Adnan Hacizada and Emin Milli and was this issue discussed
    at his meeting with Ilham Aliyev, and what is being done to resume the
    broadcasts of Radio Liberty on local [FM] frequencies? To these
    questions, Steinberg said that the State Department was closely
    following the developments and that he had been informed by the
    embassy in Baku of the latest events. Close contacts are being
    maintained with the Azerbaijani authorities in order to resolve the
    problem in the most acceptable way, the diplomat said.

    "We consider you (Radio Liberty - editor) to be an important source of
    information, especially in the light of the latest events in Iran. We
    also attach importance to new media as an important part of a free and
    democratic society. We discussed the role and place of the media in
    the country's life, as well as other issues at the meeting with Ilham
    Aliyev," Steinberg said.

    The diplomat said that the Karabakh settlement was an important part
    of his mission and that significant progress had been achieved in the
    negotiations of late. "We hope that a further success would be
    achieved at the forthcoming negotiations of the two [Armenian and
    Azerbaijani] presidents in Moscow [17-18 July], and I will continue
    the discussion of this topic in Yerevan where we are going now,"
    Steinberg said.

    Asked by Turan news agency whether the possibility of the joint use of
    the Qabala radar station was discussed in Baku, Steinberg said that
    this issue had been discussed at the negotiations between the US and
    Russian presidents in Moscow [on 6-8 July]. The USA is considering
    this possibility and this topic has been discussed with the
    Azerbaijani leadership. Currently the issue of the use of the Qabala
    radar station is being considered as part of an overall missile
    defence strategy and its parameters, the diplomat said.

    The USA supports the Nabucco project and regards as normal Azerbaijani
    gas export to Russia.

    "We are against excluding Russia from the gas supply scheme and we
    support multivector routes of gas export," Steinberg said, commenting
    on Washington's position on Nabucco. As to the USA's possible
    involvement in the project, this issue remains open and experts are
    studying the possibility of funding by the USA and other forms of US
    involvement in Nabucco, he added.

    In his trip, Steinberg is being accompanied by Assistant Secretary of
    State Philip Gordon.