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ANKARA: Turkey welcomes MG statement on Armenian-Azeri dispute

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  • ANKARA: Turkey welcomes MG statement on Armenian-Azeri dispute

    Anadolu Agency, Turkey
    July 10 2009

    Turkey welcomes Minsk Group statement on Armenian-Azeri dispute

    Ankara, 11 July: Turkish Foreign Ministry on Saturday [11 July]
    welcomed the joint statement of presidents of the United States,
    France and Russia as the cochairmen of OSCE Minsk Group on Upper
    Karabakh issue.

    Foreign Ministry said the joint statement referred to the "basic
    principles for settlement of Upper Karabakh problem" submitted to
    Armenia and Azerbaijan on November 2007 in Madrid, noting that the
    "principles in question formed a whole reflecting the stances of both

    "The parties should assume a constructive approach and consider the
    importance given to the matter by the cochairmen. Both Azerbaijan and
    Armenia should achieve a final solution in this conflict which
    continue to be a bleeding wound for the south Caucasus region."

    Minsk Process and Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) aim to find a political solution to the
    conflict over Upper Karabakh region over which Armenia fought
    Azerbaijan in a war in the 1990s.