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They In Armenia, NKR And Azerbaijan Have Got What They Want: Armenia

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  • They In Armenia, NKR And Azerbaijan Have Got What They Want: Armenia


    2009-07-13 17:39:00

    ArmInfo. They in Armenia, NKR and Azerbaijan have got what they want,
    Director of the Caucasus Institute, a political expert Alexander told
    ArmInfo when commenting on the joint statement by the presidents of
    Russia, USA and France on Nagorno Karabakh and the basic principles
    of settlement.

    'Nothing new happened with publication of the notorious Madrid
    Principles as they were clear to the politicians, political experts and
    the whole expert association in all the three countries long since. The
    principles have become clear to everyone with their publication at
    OSCE site, that is, our societies have got what they wanted, however,
    I do not see great pleasure and joy from that', A. Iskandaryan said.

    He also said the three presidents' statement is still of recommendation
    nature. Essentially, the Madrid Principles are just a raw frame of
    the whole negotiation process. 'In particular, according to the
    'principles', some project is offered where the destinies of the
    former NKAR and the rest former territories of Azerbaijan under
    the NKR control are divided. It is offered to hold a referendum in
    the NKR and give the territories to Azerbaijan having divided into
    two parts. However, the part to be given to Baku is not specified',
    he said.

    'Moreover, the parties have not given their consent to this project,
    and it is unclear how it will happen. At any rate, nothing will happen
    this year.

    Armenia does not yield his positions in the process, as there has
    been no provision saying we shall not surrender even an inch of
    the territories.

    There was such a provision within the frames of the conflict, however,
    we do not surrender the territories even now', Iskandaryan resumed.

    To note, the OSCE site reports that the presidents of OSCE MG
    co-chair-countries made a joint statement on the Nagorno Karabakh
    Conflict at the L'Aquila Summit of the Eight, July 10, 2009. Presidents
    of the OSCE Minsk Group's Co-Chair countries France, the Russian
    Federation, and the United States of America affirm our commitment to
    support the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan as they finalize the
    Basic Principles for settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
    the statement says.

    The statement also says that the Basic Principles reflect a
    reasonable compromise based on the Helsinki Final Act principles
    of Non-Use of Force, Territorial Integrity, and the Equal Rights
    and Self-Determination of Peoples. The Basic Principles include, in
    particular: return of the territories surrounding Nagorno Karabakh to
    Azerbaijani control; an interim status for Nagorno Karabakh providing
    guarantees for security and self- governance; a corridor linking
    Armenia to Nagorno Karabakh; future determination of the final legal
    status of Nagorno Karabakh through a legally binding expression of
    will; the right of all internally displaced persons and refugees to
    return to their former places of residence; and international security
    guarantees that would include a peacekeeping operation.