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Madrid Principles Contain New Elements

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  • Madrid Principles Contain New Elements


    16.07.2009 14:37 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Madrid principles propose not only the principal
    ways of settling Karabakh conflict but also very important steps to
    be undertaken by parties, said Stepan Grigoryan, board chairman of
    Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation. "Madrid
    principles contain new elements, such as the principle of equality
    among nations. The basic clauses envisage such steps as determining
    Kharabakh's interim status, withdrawing forces and returning refugees,"
    Armenian expert noted.

    In the meantime, Mr. Grigoryan introduced the positive and negative
    aspects of Madrid principles. "The positive aspect is that negotiation
    process was resumed after two years' silence. What we were following
    in the past were meetings rather than negotiations," the expert said,
    adding that Armenian and Azeri Presidents will touch upon more serious
    issues such as enhancing measures of trust.

    Another positive pro-Armenian phenomenon, according to the expert,
    was Turkish President Abdullah Gul's statement concerning the
    right of South Cyprus people to determine their status through
    referendum. "Turkish leader's statement coincided with the recent
    progress in Karabakh process, and Armenian side should take advantage
    of that." Grigoryan noted.

    Touching upon negative aspects, Mr. Grigoryan stressed that the clauses
    supporting Baku's interests are defined in a more precise manner. "The
    clauses concerning Armenian party are inaccurately formulated, and
    Armenian leadership should demand precision," Grigoryan stressed,
    adding that Madrid principles propose phasal rather than package