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BAKU: "Serious Progress" Expected At Karabakh Talks In Moscow

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  • BAKU: "Serious Progress" Expected At Karabakh Talks In Moscow


    Lider TV
    July 16 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    [Presenter] Yet another meeting will be held between the Azerbaijani
    and Armenian presidents in Moscow tomorrow. At the meeting they are
    expected to discuss the basic principles put forward in the settlement
    of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.

    Serious progress is expected to be achieved in the settlement of the
    problem at this sixth meeting between the presidents.

    [Correspondent over video of archive footage of meeting between
    presidents] Noticeably increased diplomatic activity in the settlement
    of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict and the latest cautiously optimistic
    statements make it possible to say that some results may be achieved in
    the Moscow talks. At least because almost all the leading world powers
    are seeking close cooperation with the regional leader - Azerbaijan
    - in order to secure their geopolitical and other interests in the
    South Caucasus.

    Against the background of these interests, the fact that the Baku
    government is putting forward its own demands and demanding that it
    be settled is accepted as natural.

    On the other hand, Azerbaijan's successful foreign policy has
    frustrated Armenian occupiers. Armenian political experts also note
    that over the past period Yerevan's steps look pointless in the context
    of the Baku government's serious achievements in the international
    arena in the Nagornyy Karabakh issue.

    [Passage omitted: more quotes from Armenian, Russian experts]

    Some political experts say that Russia has no other choice than
    take on the settlement of the conflict in any form because if the
    problem is not resolved at Moscow's initiative, America, the European
    Union, Turkey and other countries may become active in the conflict
    settlement which may strike a serious blow to Russia's international
    and regional image.