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CTV: Canadian Family Mourns Loss Of Two Members In Plane Crash

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  • CTV: Canadian Family Mourns Loss Of Two Members In Plane Crash


    CTV Television, Inc.

    SHOW: CANADA AM 7:32:00 ET
    July 16, 2009 Thursday



    THOMSON: And in developing news this morning, word that two
    Canadians were on board the Caspian Airlines plane that crashed
    in Iran yesterday. A hundred and sixty-eight people died when the
    plane went down en route to Armenia. The two Canadians are 35-year-
    old Nana Antashyam and her three-year-old son Edward Khachik. Nana
    Antashyam's husband is in Tehran with his brother Fred Khachik.

    He [Fred] joins us now.

    Ah, well, first of all, let me express our condolences to you and
    your family. But thank you for joining us.

    What can you tell us about the visit there that Nana and Edward
    were making?

    KHACHIK: I'm sorry, I cannot hear you.

    THOMSON: Can you tell me about why Nana and Edward were there?

    KHACHIK: Hello? Hello?

    THOMSON: Yes, hello. Fred, can you hear me?

    KHACHIK: Yes.

    THOMSON: Can you tell me about why Nana and Edward were there?

    KHACHIK: You are from where? CTV, right?

    THOMSON: Right.

    KHACHIK: They were in here for the wedding, in Europe. And they were
    in here for the baptism of Edward.

    THOMSON: What can you tell me about Nana Antashyam? Tell me a little
    bit about her.

    KHACHIK: She was a wonderful young woman, looking for a future
    life. She had one child, Edward. She was, I think she was pregnant
    with a second one. But we wasn't sure because it was like at the
    beginning of it.

    And she was looking for a future life. She was full of life. And
    she was a classic pianist. She was a teacher in the school, teaching
    piano. And she was a very good lady.

    THOMSON: And I'm sorry, Fred, I'm not sure that I understood you. Did
    you say that she was also pregnant?

    KHACHIK: I think my brother said because she was throwing up, she
    could be pregnant again.

    THOMSON: Oh dear.

    Can you tell me a little bit about Edward?

    KHACHIK: Edward was an amazing kid. He was, everybody surrounded him,
    communicated with him. Some people, they said he can be the future
    prime minister of Canada. Very smart in that age. He could sharply
    answer you. And very intelligently answer you. And at a young age he
    was speaking fluently English and the Armenian language.

    THOMSON: We can't imagine what your family is going through, Fred. We
    are so sorry --

    KHACHIK: They are going through like hell. They're trying to cope
    with it. I'm trying to comfort my brother, the whole family. Yeah,
    it's a very bad thing for us.

    THOMSON: Okay, well, --

    KHACHIK: And she has sisters, Nana, she had two sisters in Armenia. One
    sister is a violinist in big, classic music.

    THOMSON: Well, I know you're going to need to hang tight to your
    family. Um, --

    KHACHIK: Yeah, we're trying. It's very hard. Very hard for my
    brother. He looks at everything, when he's left from his son and wife,
    he goes crazy now.

    THOMSON: Fred, take care --

    KHACHIK: I try to comfort him.

    THOMSON: Take care of your family.

    KHACHIK: Yeah.