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ARS Mourns Iranian Air Crash Victims

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  • ARS Mourns Iranian Air Crash Victims


    Jul 20th, 2009

    GLENDALE--It was with a very heavy heart that the Armenian Relief
    Society of Western USA (ARS-WR) learned last week of the tragic news
    of the crashing of Caspian Airlines Flight #7908 from Tehran, Iran
    to Yerevan, Armenia which went down near the village of Jannatabad,
    outside the city of Qazvin in north-western Iran.

    According to reports from the Armenian Foreign Ministry, 40 of the
    168 victims confirmed dead on board were ethnic Armenians, among them
    being Dr.

    Levon Davitian, a widely-known and respected psychologist and former
    member of the Iranian Parliament, chairman of the Tehran Prelacy
    Executive Council and the father of a former ARS employee.

    Throughout the morning, our offices have been inundated with requests
    and inquires related to this tragedy. Every effort has been made, on
    behalf of the ARS, to accommodate these appeals. As its first order
    of business, the ARS compiled and posted in three languages (Armenian,
    English and Farsi) the names of all 42 victims on board who perished.

    In realizing that the ARS-Western Region office has a significant
    Iranian-Armenian constituency and having extensive background and
    experience in reacting and responding to similar crises - as it did
    during the Great Earthquake in Armenia 20 years ago and Hurricane
    Katrina in 2005 and the assistance it has extended to Armenia, Javakhk,
    Artsa kh over the years - immediately, the ARS leadership set in
    motion the proper procedural apparatuses to provide, through both
    its Social Services and Psychological offices, fitting and functional
    information, guidance, counseling and assistance to anyone who sought
    or required such services.

    "As with any such tragedy, the ARS stands at the ready and is fully
    prepared to employ all of its global resources to help the surviving
    loved ones of those who needlessly perished today in this awful
    airplane crash." Stated Sossie Poladian, ARS of Western USA Regional
    Executive Chair. "We encourage anyone in need assistance to contact
    the ARS immediately, having the full assurance that the ARS will help
    any way it possibly can to ease the pain of their horrible loss."

    The ARS extends its deepest condolences to all of the surviving
    families, friends and loved ones of all of the victims of Caspian
    Airlines Flight #7908. May God rest their souls and provide peace
    and comfort to those they have left behind.

    The ARS of Western USA, is one of the 12 regions of the ARS

    Its operations are coordinated through its regional headquarters
    in Glendale, CA, with 26 chapters, five Social Service offices,
    a Child, Youth and Family Guidance Center in Glendale, 17 Saturday
    and after-School Programs, and one day care center in Montebello, CA.