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CIS Leaders Discussed Horses, Economy And Nagorny Karabakh Conflict

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  • CIS Leaders Discussed Horses, Economy And Nagorny Karabakh Conflict

    Natalia Korchmarek

    RusData Dialine - Russian Press Digest
    July 21, 2009 Tuesday

    The leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan,
    and Moldova met with the presidents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
    in Moscow on Saturday. The meeting was planned as a replacement for
    the traditional summer summit of the CIS leaders. The leaders of
    the Commonwealth of Independent States and the heads of two newly
    independent Caucasus republics met for a horse race at the Moscow
    racetrack, which they had attended several times before.

    The 10-heat race of Arabian purebreds and Orlov trotters was
    impressive, with Russian stud Monomakh taking the Russian President's
    Prize. In the meantime, the VIP guests were talking politics. Russian
    President Dmitry Medvedev and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev
    focused on the planned Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and
    Belarus. Medvedev told his Tajik colleague, Emomali Rahmon, that he
    would attend the ceremony of commissioning the Sangtudin hydropower
    plant in Tajikistan.

    The leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia also discussed political
    problems. Togrul Sofiyev, an independent political analyst from
    Azerbaijan, told the newspaper: "Was it good for Azerbaijan that
    its horse ended the race in last place? Of course, not. The same
    can be said about the results of the meeting between the leaders of
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. In general, bilateral talks have been marking
    time for years."

    Economic talks between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Kazakh
    leader Nazarbayev were much more important, especially in view of
    the agreement on the Nabucco gas pipeline signed between Austria,
    Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Turkey in Ankara on July 13.