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AYF: Chevron on National Campaign Exposing Profit from Denial

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  • AYF: Chevron on National Campaign Exposing Profit from Denial

    Armenian Youth Federation
    Eastern U.S.: 80 Bigelow Ave, Watertown, MA 02472 - [email protected]
    Western U.S.: 104 N. Belmont St. Suite 206, Glendale, CA 91206 -
    [email protected]


    July 23, 2009

    Chevron Responds to National Campaign Exposing "Profit from
    Genocide Denial" Scheme

    SAN RAMON, CA -- Chevron Corporation tried to explain away
    its opposition to Congressional legislation affirming the Armenian
    Genocide, using the standard Turkish and Azerbaijani government
    talking points to justify their complicity in denying this crime
    against humanity, reported the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF).

    "As a major energy producer in the region, we support the integrity
    of multiple energy transportation routes and a diplomatic
    relationship between Turkey and Armenia," Chevron spokesman Justin
    Higgs announced, adding that the genocide resolution, "would have
    hurt, not helped, relations between Turkey and Armenia."

    "An enduring diplomatic relationship between Turkey and Armenia can
    only be based on truth," said AYF San Francisco chapter chairman
    Matt Senekeremian, leading the Bay Area protest. "Lobbying against
    the Armenian Genocide resolution is a pure and simple case of
    profiting from the denial of the murder of 1.5 million men, women
    and children - a short-sighted policy which only serves to fuel
    greater instability in the region."

    Chevron's comments came as the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF)
    joined with Armenian Americans and human rights activists in
    kicking off a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about Turkish
    Government coercion of the energy giant and some five multinational
    corporations currently lobbying against Armenian Genocide
    legislation (H.Res.252). The resolution, spearheaded by
    Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA), George Radanovich (R-CA), and
    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone and Mark
    Kirk, has over 125 cosponsors.

    Rep. Schiff chastised Chevron and the other corporations for
    opposing the Genocide resolution, noting "I don't think any major
    American corporation should be lobbying against the genocide
    recognition and become complicit in another country's genocide
    denial," Schiff told the Glendale News-Press. "I don't think that's
    being a good corporate citizen. It's certainly putting profits in
    front of the public interest."

    The protests began on July 22, 2009 at the Chevron headquarters in
    San Ramon, California and local stations across the U.S., including
    sites in Burbank, La Crescenta, Pasadena, San Fernando Valley,
    Orange County, Glendale, Fresno, as well as Bethesda, MD, Orlando,
    FL and Philadelphia, PA. An online letter writing campaign to
    Chevron CEO Dave O'Reilly was launched in conjunction with the
    protests, urging the company to publicly apologize for profiting
    from Genocide denial. A copy of the letter was hand delivered to
    the Chevron corporate headquarters by protesters in San Ramon.

    Concerned about public response to their action, Chevron's
    corporate headquarters had alerted their franchisees about the AYF
    led protest prior to the campaign launch. Washington, DC area
    protesters also reported that Chevron had sent their own
    photographers to the protest.

    Protests were covered in local newspapers, including the Orlando
    Sentinel, where AYF Keri chapter member Raffi Mekhdjavakian explained
    "It's contradictory of Chevron to have their motto 'The Chevron
    way' and say that they are responsible and ethical when they are
    lobbying against a human rights situation," said Raffi
    Mekhdjavakian, an Oviedo resident with the Armenian youth group.
    "If [the genocide] is denied it's as if it never happened."

    Mekhdjavakian referrred to statements on Chevron's website - -- where the corporation
    prides itself on running the company the "Chevron Way" -
    responsibly, ethically and with respect to human rights. However,
    on June 13th, the Associated Press revealed that Chevron and 5 other
    multinational energy and defense corporations, including BAE
    Systems, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, United Technologies and
    Goodrich have filed disclosure forms with the Senate and House
    "quietly" lobbying against H.Res.252 the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution, among a wide array of legislation. In first quarter of
    2009 alone, the six firms have spent some $14 million in
    Congressional lobby efforts. This is in addition to the over $3
    million spent annually by the Government of Turkey to block U.S.
    affirmation of the Armenian Genocide, a cornerstone of their
    foreign policy priorities.

    "Clearly, Turkey will spare to no expense to cover up its dark
    past,"said AYF Western Region Chairman Vache Thomassian. "Coercing
    corporations like Chevron to do its dirty deeds is just the latest
    tactic - exporting genocide denial to our neighborhoods, one gas
    station at a time."

    Complete information about Chevron's lobbying efforts - including
    lobby disclosures forms filed with the Senate and House - are
    posted at A Facebook group calling
    attention to the effort has over 1300 activists.