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Moscow In Karabakh's Dead End

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  • Moscow In Karabakh's Dead End

    by Svetlana Gamova, Sokhbet Mamedov

    WPS Agency
    What the Papers Say (Russia)
    July 22, 2009 Wednesday

    REACH; Yerevan and Baku are no closer to the Nagorno-Karabakh solution.

    The meeting between the heads of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Moscow
    in the presence of the Russian president last week-end inevitably
    became the talk of the day in Yerevan, Baku, and Stepanakert. No
    wonder, since the meeting was centered around Nagorno-Karabakh. This
    Tuesday, Azerbaijani officials hailed the Madrid Principles of conflict
    settlement based on the return of the Azerbaijani territories occupied
    by the Armenians. Their counterparts in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh
    in the meantime condemned these principles as "treason" and pinned
    the blame on intermediaries. On Russia, in other words.

    The propaganda that preceded the Azerbaijani-Armenian meeting in
    Moscow promised the involved parties a solution to the problem of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. A solution arranged by Russia, of course.

    The very first reaction to the meeting, however, made it plain
    that a compromise in the matter was still out of reach. Official
    Baku hails the Madrid Principles as the basis of all and any
    negotiations while Yerevan and Stepanakert refuse to even acknowledge
    them. Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedjarov said at the
    press conference in Baku this Monday that participants in the Moscow
    meeting had discussed the return of five districts occupied by the
    Armenian forces to Azerbaijan as the first step towards conflict
    settlement, one to be followed by determination of the status of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Mamedjarov called it a reasonable and true way
    of dealing with the problem. Karabakh proclaimed this way erroneous
    that same day. Some non-governmental organizations from Karabakh even
    called the very talks between intermediaries "volatile" for the region.

    Experts attribute it all to the traditional mutually exclusive
    comments from participants in the talks that thoroughly confused
    general public wondering that the leaders of the two countries had
    discussed in the space of nearly three hours and what offers Dmitry
    Medvedev had made them.

    "The meeting between the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia may
    have failed to result in an immediate breakthrough, but reactivation
    of the talks makes us happy - and particularly Russia's activeness
    does. Negotiations with [President of Russia Medvedev instill the
    hope in a successful completion of the process of negotiations,"
    Mamedjarov said at the press conference. He even announced that "the
    decision has been made on withdrawal of the Armenian troops from the
    territory of Nagorno-Karabakh."

    Mamedjarov's Armenian opposite number Edward Nalbandjan refuted his
    words that same day.

    "Armenia has never officially voiced approval of the Madrid offers. All
    we said was that they were a basis for negotiations," Nalbandjan
    said. As for the withdrawal of troops and refugees' return, the
    Armenian foreign minister said that nothing of the sort had been so
    much as mentioned at the meeting in Moscow.

    President of Armenia Serj Sargsjan meanwhile broached the matter
    at the meeting with Foreign Minister of Sweden Karl Bildt in
    Yerevan. "Azerbaijan nearby is distorting the point of the talks,"
    he said. Sargsjan acknowledged that certain progress had been made but
    "not without difficulties". He informed Bildt, "What we are doing at
    this point is discussing the basic principles singled out from the
    list of the so called Madrid Principles. Once that is done, we will
    discuss the rest of the principles and finally come down to work on
    the agreement as such."

    "I'd say everyone should understand that status of Nagorno-Karabakh is
    the principal issue," Sargsjan said. "This status should be determined
    by free will and be legally binding. When we are finally through with
    it, I'd say that the negotiations will be easier."

    Exited by Baku's words on the alleged agreement to withdraw the
    Armenian forces from the occupied territories, political opposition
    in Armenia had demanded Sargsjan's impeachment.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress