AZG Armenian Daily
The Wall Street Journal presented no apologies to Mikheil Saakashvili
over the publication of his interview, as no such requests came,
Kavkazski Uzel reports alluding to Kate Dobbin, the Dow Jones [owner
of the WSJ] company official representative.
According to the previous messages of Georgia Times, Mikheil
Saakashvili stated that The Wall, which on July 20th published his
interview including words that Georgia's hopes for joining NATO are
"almost dead", apologized to him.
Dobbin said that the Wall Street Journal was requested no apologies,
and on July 21st the e-version of the paper published the corrected
variant of the phrase.
"Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said his country's hopes
of joining NATO are "almost dead. It's tragic. If they manage to
kill NATO (Georgia's hopes of joining the alliance), it means the
Russians fought for the right reasons." A World News article Monday on
Mr. Saakashvili's interview with The Wall Street Journal published a
shortened quote that didn't convey the full context of his comments"
the Corrections and Amplifications of the WSJ say, according to
Georgia Times.
AZG Armenian Daily
The Wall Street Journal presented no apologies to Mikheil Saakashvili
over the publication of his interview, as no such requests came,
Kavkazski Uzel reports alluding to Kate Dobbin, the Dow Jones [owner
of the WSJ] company official representative.
According to the previous messages of Georgia Times, Mikheil
Saakashvili stated that The Wall, which on July 20th published his
interview including words that Georgia's hopes for joining NATO are
"almost dead", apologized to him.
Dobbin said that the Wall Street Journal was requested no apologies,
and on July 21st the e-version of the paper published the corrected
variant of the phrase.
"Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said his country's hopes
of joining NATO are "almost dead. It's tragic. If they manage to
kill NATO (Georgia's hopes of joining the alliance), it means the
Russians fought for the right reasons." A World News article Monday on
Mr. Saakashvili's interview with The Wall Street Journal published a
shortened quote that didn't convey the full context of his comments"
the Corrections and Amplifications of the WSJ say, according to
Georgia Times.