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Baku Concedes Its Nerve: Failed Imitation

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  • Baku Concedes Its Nerve: Failed Imitation

    16:46 23/07/2009

    The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs released on July 21 statement informing
    that at the end of July the updated version of Madrid Document would
    be prepared and presented in Krakov, Poland. Just a day passed and
    official Baku made different announcements which are interesting
    enough to analyze.

    "If Armenian party takes into account the reality, analyzes and pays
    attention on Azerbaijan's developing possibilities, Karabakh conflict
    will be soon resolved," President Ilham Aliev announced at Government's
    session yesterday. To be more careful Aliev's statement resembles
    Khrushchov's famous statement - "To reach America and to pass it."

    It seems that Azerbaijan is struggling for "overtaking and surpassing"
    Armenia. So, it's worth mentioning that in both cases - Aliev and
    Khrushchov, the visions are unfeasible. It was two days earlier that
    Russia's deputy of State Duma Aleksey Mitrofanov explained Azerbaijani
    reporter that even if the world forced Armenians would not yield.

    Regarding Aliev's statements they are remarkable - it turns out that
    Azerbaijani leader said what experts persisted - Baku is not ready
    to compromises and statements on constructivism are but myths.

    Vafa Guluzade said the same day what officials in Baku could not say:
    "OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs could even make omelette, in any case
    Azerbaijan has not recognized Madrid Principles and any updated
    version of document to transfer Azerbaijani territories to Armenia
    via referendum is unacceptable for Azerbaijan. I think weather is
    fine in Krakov and the co-chairs will leave for Poland to have a
    rest." To decode Guluzade's statement we make our conclusions.

    First, Azerbaijan is not ready for compromises. Ilham Aliev himself
    affirmed it. So, Baku does not want any other settlement which
    differs from their ideal version. This means that Baku is not ready
    for compromises. Surely, such manifestations do happen in Armenian
    party also, but the officials have not made such statements. We think
    international society will take into account this fact when defining
    the basic directions of regional cooperation.

    Second, Azerbaijan is not satisfied with OSCE Minsk Group (format),
    though they have been always expressing their disapproval to the
    mediators' activities. Feeling Moscow's, Brussels' (presented by
    France) and Washington's tough counteraction, Baku started to imitate
    constructivism and satisfaction. Finally, Guluzade put everything in
    their places saying even if they made omelette... It's worth reminding
    that the states joint to "Non-aligned movement" organization adopted
    declaration recently recognizing supremacy of self-determination
    right of nations.

    Azerbaijan accuses co-chairs in corruption. Vafa Guluzade's definition
    on preparing Madrid document and presenting it in Krakov makes us
    thinking that the co-chairs leave for Poland to have a rest. In this
    respect indirect accusation is made towards the diplomats. To conclude,
    Guluzade wanted to say that the co-chairs are the obstacles to the
    conflict settlement as they use their status to make voyages. We
    think the co-chairs should have made tough commenting on Guluzade's

    Azerbaijan is not constructive. It was above mentioned that official
    Baku refuses disposition of compromises. Guluzade keep claiming that
    Baku will not recognize mediators' recommendations. So Azerbaijan
    refuses what does not exist yet, which means that they refuse the
    negotiations (dialogue). It remains us to hope that international
    society, especially the mediating states will make correspondent