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Cheney secret team involved saboteurs as well as assassins

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  • Cheney secret team involved saboteurs as well as assassins

    Cheney secret team involved saboteurs as well as assassins
    By Wayne Madsen
    Online Journal Contributing Writer

    Jul 24, 2009, 00:14

    (WMR) -- WMR has learned from U.S. and foreign intelligence sources
    that Dick Cheney's super-secret clandestine operations team, primarily
    made up of Department of Defense Joint Special Operations Command
    (JSOC) personnel, in some cases worked closely with their Israeli
    commando counterparts to carry out sabotage against Iranian and
    Pakistani nuclear facilities, as well as assassinate Iranian nuclear
    scientists, other individuals who were knowledgeable about the role of
    Israelis in supplying nuclear materials to Pakistan and Iran,and
    commit terrorist attacks on civilian aircraft.
    Although the CIA decided against working closely with the
    Cheney-directed JSOC team, agency officials were well-aware of its
    operations and special relationship with Mossad `Kidon' department,
    which is responsible for conducting assassinations and
    kidnappings. `Kidon' is the Hebrew word for bayonet.
    During the time Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was in charge of
    the Pentagon, his neoconservative subordinates, including Paul
    Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, authorized the entrance into the Pentagon
    of top Israeli Defense Force and Mossad officers, including Kidon
    personnel, according to information obtained by WMR. There were no
    records maintained of the Israelivisits or the identities of the
    visitorsin what was described by Pentagon officials as a
    completeviolation of Pentagon security procedures.
    The operations of the JSOC-Mossad team were coordinated by the Office
    of Special Plans, a unit that operated as a CIA rival under the
    direction of Feith and other pro-Israeli elements within the Office of
    the Secretary of Defense, including Feith's deputy, William Luti, a
    close adviser to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Gingrich recently
    called for stepped up U.S.-led sabotage against Iranian targets. The
    JSOC-Mossad team also utilized the services of the Iranian terrorist
    organization, troup by the U.S. State Department, to coordinate
    sabotage and assassinations inside Iran.
    Because of the rift between the CIA under George Tenetand the
    Department of Defense under Rumsfeld and his neocon deputies, the CIA
    backed off the operation fortwo major reasons: the CIA did not trust
    the Mossad and Langley saw Cheney as a major threat to more legitimate
    CIA operations.
    In February 2007, Radio Farda, a neocon contrivance operated under the
    aegis of the State Department, broadcast a news item that
    Dr. Ardeshire Hassanpour, 44, a nuclear scientist at Iran's uranium
    enrichment facility in Isfahan, died from `mysterious causes.'
    Hassanpour died on January 18, 2007,and it is believed by many that
    the scientist was one of many `enemies' assassinated by the joint
    U.S.-Israeli assassination and sabotage team operating under the aegis
    of Cheney's office in the White House.
    Cheney's team reportedly struck earlier, on December 23, 2002, when a
    Russian-built Antonov An-140 crashed into the side of a mountain in
    central Iran while on its final approach to Isfahan airport. Between
    44 and 48 people aboard the aircraft were killed, including 6 Russians
    and a number of Ukrainian engineers. A woman and child were also on
    board. The plane was en route to Isfahan fromKharkiv after making a
    refueling stop in Turkey. Although press reports stated that on board
    the aircraft were Ukrainian and Russian engineers, the fact that the
    plane was heading to Isfahan, a major Iranian nuclear research and
    engineering site raised eyebrows at the time.
    The Iranian newspaper, Jam-e-Jam, reported that Mossad agents
    operating in Turkeyhad sabotaged the aircraft while it was being
    refueled in Turkey.
    In February 2002, IranAirTour flight 956 a Tupolev Tu-154,crashed into
    the side of a mountain near Khorramabad, 270 miles southwest of
    Tehran, killing all 119 passengers and crew on board. Residents of a
    village near Khorramabad said they heard a `big explosion.'
    On January 9, 2006, a Falcon jet carrying 11 members of I
    ary Guards Corps (IRGC) crashed near Orumiyeh, capital of Iran's West
    Azerbaijan province. The ground commander for IRGC's forces, General
    Ahmed Kazemi, was one of the victims. The joint JSOC-Mossad team,
    operating from neighboring Azerbaijan, where the Mossad and CIA have
    major stations, is suspected of being behind the crash. WMR is aware
    that JSOC personnel, some ex-Delta Force contractorsoperating under
    journalistic cover, had already been in Iran to identify `soft
    targets' for assassinations and sabotage. These personnel allegedly
    reported directly to Colonel Steven Bucci, the personal military
    assistant to Rumsfeld at the Pentagon.
    On February 19, 2003, another plane, a Russian-built
    Ilyushin-76,carrying eliteIRGCsoldiers crashed into a mountain in
    central Iran. The plane was transporting 302 members of the IRGC from
    Zahedan in southeastern Iran to Kerman, 500 miles southeast of Tehran.
    On November 27, 2006, an Antonov-24 of the IRGC crashed at Meharabad
    International Airport in Tehran after its engines caught fire on
    take-off. 36 IRGC members and the crew died. The plane was en route to
    Shiraz on a `military mission.'
    On December 8, 2005, an Iranian C-130 military aircraft transporting a
    number of journalists from Meherabad Airport to Bandar Abbas crashed
    into a 10-story building after take-off from the airport. One hundred
    eight passengers and crew were killed as well as 34 on the ground.The
    plane was attempting to make an emergency landing when it crashed. The
    Iranian journalists and photographers, 68 in total, were en route to
    Chabahar to cover a military exercise. The JSOC-Israeli team is also
    suspected of being behind the crash of the journalists' plane.
    On May 30, 2009, a bomb was found onboard Kish Air flight
    Y9-7030MD-82with 131 passengers. The bomb on the plane, which was en
    route from Ahvaz, Khuzestan to Tehran, was successfully defused after
    the plane made an emergency landing. The bomb incident took place just
    prior to the Iranian presidential election.
    And in what m eli assassination and sabotage unit not to probe too
    deeply into its past clandestine work, a Caspian Airlines Tupolev-154
    crashed on July 15 75 miles northwest of Tehran after take-off from
    Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran en route to Yerevan, the
    capital of Armenia. Iran and Armenia maintain close relations. All 168
    people on board the plane were killed. Caspian Airlines is an
    Iranian-Russian joint venture airline. An eyewitness is reported by
    the AP as saying the tail section of the plane burst into flames as it
    circled for a place to make an emergency landing prior to crashing
    near the city of Qazvin.
    There are also suspicions that the JSOC-Israeli team, with the
    then-involvement of the CIA,was operational under Cheney's aegis prior
    to 9/11. On July 11, 2001, Ali Mahmudi Mimand, the `father of Iran's
    missiles,' including the Shihab III medium range missile, was
    reportedly killed in a mysteriousexplosion at the Shahid Hemat
    Industrial Group, south of Tehran. Mimand was chief of Iran's
    secretive `Zelzal' missile development group. The JSOC-CIA-Mossad team
    is believed to have been behind the assassination of Mimand.
    The JSOC-Mossad team is also strongly believed by some
    U.S. intelligence sources to have been behind the February 12, 2008,
    car bombing assassination of Hezbollah military commander Imad
    Mugniyeh in Damascus and the poisoning deaths of a number of targets,
    including Palestinian President Yasir Arafat who was reportedly blood
    poisoned at his headquarters in Ramallah on the West Bank.
    Poisoning with a later conclusion of `death by natural causes' was a
    favorite method employed by the JSOC-Mossad team. Their fingerprints
    are suspected in the May 11, 2007, poisoning of Kyrgyzstan Prime
    Minister Almaz Atambayevwhen he declared, inthe same month,that the
    U.S. airbase at Manas could not be used in any attacks on Iran. The
    poison team may have also been behind the sudden death in December
    2006 of Turkmenistan's dictator Saparmurat Niyazov or `Turkmenbashi.'
    Niya f strict neutrality and forbid the U.S. from using Turkmenistan
    territory for military operations in Afghanistan or the use of Turkmen
    airspace in operations against Iran.
    Fast cancer agents, courtesy of the JSOC-Mossadteam, also reportedly
    took the life of Tajikistan's Islamic opposition leader Said Abdullo
    Nuri who died from cancer on August 7, 2006, at age 59. Nuri favored
    establishing an Islamic state in Tajikistan and was seen as close
    to Iran.
    WMR previously reported that the JSOC team carried out the
    assassination of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in
    Rawalapindi on December 27, 2007.
    The Cheney joint Pentagon-Israeli team goes to the heart of covert
    activities conducted by the Bush-Cheney administration. The Obama
    administration has shown every indication of protecting Cheney and
    other top Bush administration officials from scrutiny. Obama recently
    extended Cheney's Secret Service protection by six months, an
    indication that the White House is concerned that international arrest
    warrants for homicide may soon be issued against the former Vice
    Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and
    nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of
    the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).