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Karabakh Peace Prospects Uncertain After Latest Armenian-Azeri Talks

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  • Karabakh Peace Prospects Uncertain After Latest Armenian-Azeri Talks

    Emil Danielyan

    Jamestown Foundation
    July 29 2009

    Prospects for the resolution of the Karabakh conflict look more
    uncertain following the latest round of negotiations between the
    presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Contrary to the international
    community's expectations, Presidents Serzh Sarksyan and Ilham
    Aliyev appear to have failed to clear the remaining hurdles to sign
    an Armenian-Azerbaijani peace accord that would have far-reaching
    implications for the entire region. International mediators hope that
    the two leaders will achieve a breakthrough at their next meeting
    expected this fall.

    Sarksyan and Aliyev met in Moscow on July 17 for the sixth time in just
    over a year to try to build on significant progress that was apparently
    made during their two previous meetings in Prague and St.Petersburg
    on May 7 and June 4 respectively. U.S., Russian and French mediators
    expressed hope that in Moscow they would resolve their remaining
    disagreements over the "basic principles" of a Karabakh settlement
    put forward by the OSCE's Minsk group. Deputy-Assistant Secretary
    of State Matthew Bryza, the group's U.S. co-chair, said that would
    enable the conflicting parties to agree to a framework peace deal
    "by the end of the year" (Reuters, June 22).

    On July 10 the United States, Russia and France, all of which co-chair
    the Minsk group, underscored their renewed optimism concerning a
    possible settlement of the Karabakh issue in a joint statement issued
    by their presidents on the sidelines of the G8 summit in L'Aquila,
    Italy. "We urge the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to resolve the
    few differences remaining between them and finalize their agreement on
    these basic principles, which will outline a comprehensive settlement,"
    the statement said.

    Neither Aliyev nor Sarksyan made any public statements on July 17 after
    several hours of discussions, partly attended by Bryza and his fellow
    negotiators from Russia and France. The mediators told journalists
    afterwards that the meeting did not live up to their expectations
    (, July 18). According to Yuri Merzlyakov, the chief Russian
    negotiator, the two presidents held a more productive meeting with
    their Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, the next day. "There are
    interesting solutions which the presidents found in the trilateral
    format," Merzlyakov told the Azerbaijani Trend news agency on July
    22. "I think that this could produce a positive result in the future."

    Sarksyan likewise spoke of "progress" in the negotiating process
    as he received Sweden's Foreign Minister Carl Bildt in Yerevan
    on July 20 (Statement by the Armenian presidential press service,
    July 20). Azerbaijani officials' reaction to the Moscow talks was
    contradictory. Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov's cautious optimism
    contrasted with statements made by Novruz Mammadov, Aliyev's chief
    foreign policy aide. Mammadov accused the Armenian side of showing
    "hypocrisy" and scuttling the long-awaited agreement (Zerkalo,
    July 23).

    The Minsk group co-chairs, meanwhile, began preparations for the next
    Aliyev-Sarksyan encounter, which they hope will take place in early
    October on the sidelines of a CIS summit in Moldova. In a joint July
    21 statement, they said they will also start working on an "updated
    version" of their basic principles.

    The proposed framework agreement became the basis of
    Armenian-Azerbaijani talks before it was formally submitted to
    the parties in Madrid in November 2007. Aliyev and Sarksyan's more
    hard-line predecessor, Robert Kocharian, came very close to accepting
    it in early 2006. The so-called Madrid principles, disclosed in
    general terms by the mediating powers, call for a phased settlement
    of the Karabakh conflict that would start with a gradual liberation
    of the seven districts in Azerbaijan which were fully or partly
    occupied by Karabakh Armenian forces during the 1991-1994 war. In
    return, Karabakh's predominantly Armenian population would determine
    the disputed enclave's status in a legally binding referendum. The
    would-be agreement stipulates that Karabakh would remain under an
    internationally recognized Armenian control until the two sides set
    a date for holding such a vote.

    According to U.S. and Armenian officials involved in the peace process,
    Aliyev has essentially agreed to this formula despite his constant
    public assertions that Baku will never come to terms with the loss
    of Karabakh. Accordingly, some highly-placed Armenian sources claim
    that the main sticking point in the talks (both under Kocharian
    and now) relates to Armenian withdrawal from Kelbajar and Lachin,
    the Azerbaijani districts wedged between Karabakh and Armenia. The
    Kocharian administration, they argue, insisted that these territories
    should be returned to Azerbaijan only after the Karabakh referendum on
    self-determination, something which was unacceptable to Baku. Also,
    while agreeing to ensure unfettered transport communication between
    Armenia and Karabakh through a 30-kilometer-wide corridor, the
    Azerbaijani side rejected Armenian demands for that overland link to
    be formally incorporated into Karabakh.

    There have been some indications that Sarksyan could show greater
    flexibility on these issues. In an interview with the Russian Vesti
    TV channel on June 20, Aliyev said that Kelbajar and most of Lachin
    would be placed under Azerbaijani control five years after the Armenian
    pullout from the other occupied lands surrounding Karabakh. However,
    their failure to finalize the peace accord in Moscow might mean
    that Yerevan insists on the referendum linkage. Mounting uproar from
    Armenian nationalist groups opposed to any territorial concessions
    to Azerbaijan preceded these talks.

    One of these groups, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF, also
    known as the Dashnak Party), organized a conference of like-minded
    hard-line forces in the Karabakh capital Stepanakert on July 10-11
    to warn the Yerevan government against signing up to the Madrid
    principles (Yerkir-Media TV, July 11). Karabakh Armenian leaders also
    attended the high-profile gathering, again exposing their reluctance to
    embrace the proposed settlement. Even Armenia's first President Levon
    Ter-Petrosian, who was forced to resign in 1998 after advocating a
    similar deal with Azerbaijan, is not averse to exploiting the issue in
    his continuing standoff with the ruling regime. In a July 14 statement,
    Ter-Petrosian's Armenian National Congress alliance cited "dangerous"
    developments in the Karabakh peace process to again demand Sarksyan's

    Sarksyan also has to reckon with Kocharian's opinion. The latter
    would hardly approve of Armenian concessions to Azerbaijan and,
    despite keeping a very low profile, might wield more influence than
    the Armenian opposition to undercut his successor and longtime
    ally. Sarksyan, who is still reeling from the 2008 post-election
    unrest in Yerevan, will thus need to tread a delicate line in the
    months ahead.