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BAKU: Azerbaijan's Political Experts Comment On Diplomatic Pressure

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan's Political Experts Comment On Diplomatic Pressure


    Today.Az s/54227.html
    July 29 2009

    Azerbaijani political scientists say the discussion of two issues on
    the Nagorno-Karabakh at the 64th UN General Assembly is a continuation
    of the diplomatic pressure on Armenia.

    "Discussions will be useful as a means of exerting pressure on
    Armenia. After the recent discussions at the UN on the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, Armenia's mood is not the same. It feels isolated," political
    expert Rasim Musabayov said.

    He said continuation of the diplomatic pressure on Armenia is too
    important for Azerbaijan. "Although the UN resolutions will not make
    Armenia liberate the occupied territories, it will constantly feel
    such pressure," Musabayov said.

    The 64th UN General Assembly will debate two issues on the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Political expert Zardusht Alizade said discussions on the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at the UN General Assembly is a positive

    "But discussions are not enough to solve the problem. The discussions
    must be accompanied by effective measures to build army, peaceful
    diplomacy and effective information war. These measures should be
    implemented in its entirety. The most important of these is to continue
    to build a democratic society in Azerbaijan capable to solve problems
    of all citizens," Alizade said.

    He said the steps taken towards the restoration of Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity yield fruits. "If the problem cannot be
    solved by means of pressure, at least it is constantly debated in
    society. Aggressor Armenia always feels Azerbaijan's intensification
    on the diplomatic arena," Alizade said.

    Regarding non-fulfillment of four UN resolutions on the conflict,
    the political expert said the force is necessary to implement the
    provisions of those resolutions. "Without force, these resolutions
    are only political in nature. Their implementation is not obligatory,"
    Alizade said.

    Political expert Vafa Guluzadeh does not expect progress after the
    UN discussions on the Nagorno-Karabakh to resolve the issue. "The
    UN four resolutions on this issue remain on paper. Even after the
    discussions UN takes any decision, no steps will be taken to implement
    it," Guluzade said.

    He believes Armenia is a Russian "province" and does not exist as
    the state. "As the UN fears Russia, it does not pass decisions on
    this country. Therefore, we should wait," the political analyst said.