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This season's dish: stuffed dolma

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  • This season's dish: stuffed dolma

    This season's dish: dolma stuffed with `kuzu göbeÄ=9Fi' mushrooms

    Head chef at Mövenpick Hotel İstanbul Maximilian Thomae is serving
    up a series of different dishes featuring mushrooms for his
    customers. To gather the mushrooms he uses, he goes to Mengen in the
    province of Bolu and buys mushrooms from the local villagers there.

    When spring comes, it's not just flowers that start to bloom;
    mushrooms also start popping up everywhere, from mountain sides to
    hills, among bushes and in shady corners. The location is not
    important for mushrooms; it's more that the weather must be a bit
    rainy and warm. In this sense, our nation is a mushroom paradise in
    the spring.

    Of course, it's important not to be fooled into complacency by the
    colorful and delicate appearance that mushrooms can sometime take
    on. While there are many health benefits that can be obtained through
    the consumption of mushrooms, there are also many risks.
    It seems that mushroom lovers in Turkey have lots to celebrate this
    year as this spring has seen plenty of rain. We are especially seeing
    many of the mushroom called `kuzu göbeÄ=9Fi' in Turkish (also known
    as Morchella conica or sometimes as Morchella deliciosa) all over the
    place in Turkey. In fact, more avid mushroom lovers in Turkey are even
    holding mushroom festivals. One such mushroom appreciator is the head
    chef at Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul, the German Maximilian Thomae. A
    famous chef in his own right, Thomae is serving up a series of
    different dishes featuring mushrooms for his customers these days. The
    recipes and sauces he uses20are all his own. To gather the mushrooms
    he uses, he goes to Mengen in the province of Bolu and buys mushrooms
    from the local villagers there. He then starts to cook, making soup
    with "cincile" (Lepista nuda) mushrooms and lamb filet and dolmas
    stuffed with the abovementioned `kuzu göbeÄ=9Fi' mushroom. But Thomae
    does complain that most Turks do not really perceive mushrooms as
    being linked with the variety of delicious dishes that can be cooked,
    which is perhaps why he tries to use the mushrooms he buys as often as
    possible. And it is true, Turks don't tend to count mushrooms on their
    own as meals. If and when we Turks cook mushrooms, they are either
    part of a stew, or maybe covered in cheese. To be fair though,
    Europeans also tend to use their mushrooms mostly in sauces or as
    garnishes. But Thomae is resolute in his quest to have20us appreciate
    dishes featuring mushrooms, which is why he has prepared two special
    recipes based on them.
    Before sharing Thomae's recipes with you, I would like to draw
    attention to another important point, which is that, as a people,
    Turks really have not been very successful in venturing out to collect
    mushrooms from the wild. Incidents of poisonings and deaths from
    mushrooms are proof of this. Unfortunately, there is no exact method
    of distinguishing poisonous from non-poisonous mushrooms. In fact,
    there are clearly many misperceptions on this front circulating in
    Turkey, and it is these misperceptions that lead to mushroom-poisoning
    deaths. It is sometimes said in Turkey that one way to test if
    mushrooms are poisonous is by throwing a silver ring or silver spoon
    among them while they are cooking and if the silver blackens it means
    the mushrooms are poisonous. Other stories are that if bugs eat a
    mushroom, it can't be poisonous or that if you rinse a poisonous
    mushroom with salt and vinegar you get rid of the poisonous
    effects. These are all wrong, of course.
    Mushroom expert Jilber Barutciyan explains some of the points that
    need to be paid attention to when picking mushrooms. Barutciyan notes
    that even experienced mushroom experts can't always tell whether or
    not a mushroom is poisonous. Even mushrooms that you find being sold
    in outdoor markets may be poisonous, despite having passed through
    inspections by experts. Barutciyan tries to spread knowledge about
    this topic as much as he can and even answers people's questions free
    of charge on the Web site
    Is every mushroom edible?
    Some capped mushrooms can be eaten, but others are poisonous. Both
    poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms can grow in the same place. It
    takes an expert to distinguish between the two kinds, and as mentioned
    before, sometimes even experts aren't able to do this. Also, when even
    one poisonous mushroom is mixed in with harmless mushrooms, it is
    enough to lead to poisoning. It is safer to purchase mushrooms
    packaged by well-known, expert firms than to buy mushrooms sold at an
    outdoor market. It is also quite impo rtant to eat mushrooms while
    they are still fresh and not to keep them in the refrigerator for too
    long, which can also lead to illness when they are consumed.

    `Kuzu göbeÄ=9Fi' (morchella) mushroom dolma

    Ingredients: 8 large morchella mushrooms

    For the rice filling: 100 grams of rice, 30 grams of dried onion, 1
    clove of garlic, 20 grams of pine nuts, 20 grams of currants, 2 grams
    of cinnamon, 10 grams of salt, 2 grams of black pepper, 500
    milliliters of hot chicken broth, 10 grams of parmesan cheese, 30
    grams of butter, 30 milliliters of olive oil

    Preparation: Pour the olive oil into a pan, and sauté the onion and
    garlic. Add the pine nuts and currants and then the rice and stir for
    a while. After adding the cinnamon, salt and black pepper stir some
    more, slowly adding the hot chicken broth. Add the butter and parmesan
    when the rice looks like it is nearly
    cooked.Steam the mushrooms for approximately one minute to soften them
    a bit and keep them from breaking. Stuff the insides with the rice
    filling. After stuffing the mushrooms, put the mushrooms in a sieve
    and place them over a deep pot full of boiling water so the mushrooms
    can be cooked by the steam. Be careful not to let the mushrooms touch
    the water.

    01 June 2009, Monday