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ANKARA: Azerbaijani State Committee Not Exclude Import Of Food Stuff

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  • ANKARA: Azerbaijani State Committee Not Exclude Import Of Food Stuff


    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    June 3 2009

    The current controversy over a bill in the Knesset designed to make
    it illegal to commemorate Nakba Day should raise awareness of what
    exactly Nakba day has come to entail, and why some elected officials
    find it such a provocation.

    Last Independence Day, as millions celebrated with barbecues and
    family trips to national parks, another group of Jewish Israelis
    were making a different sort of pilgrimage - to Kafrayn, a former
    Arab village southeast of Haifa. Once there, they were joined by
    Palestinians from east Jerusalem and Israeli Arab activists from
    all over the country. Speeches were given and Palestinian flags were
    waved. Keffiyehs were a dress code requirement.

    Among the groups present was Zochrot, an organization whose
    publications are sometimes funded by the Mennonite church, and
    which hosts tours to ruined Arab villages which existed before
    1948. Zochrot's Jewish leaders, such as Noga Kadmon, have dedicated
    their lives to preserving the memory of these villages, arranging
    for elderly descendants to visit them, erecting signs to memorialize
    them and bringing Jews to them to teach about the Nakba. They produce
    small booklets about the villages in Hebrew, English and Arabic.

    Another organization present at the Nakba day tour of Kafrayn was
    the Defending the Displaced Palestinians' Rights Society. Its booklet
    has "Nakba 61st anniversary: We shall return" emblazoned across its
    front. It is only in Arabic. Where it is produced and who supports
    it are not clear. What is clear is that while the message of Zochrot
    appears to be about memorializing history and understanding the
    narrative of the "other," the message of DDPRS is about eliminating
    Israel as a state. However the Israeli Jews present at the Nakba-day
    events did not openly oppose the distribution of this anti-Israel

    THE TRAGEDY here is that by commemorating the Nakba on their own
    Independence Day, these Israeli Jews have negated their own state's
    existence. The cynical manipulation of Nakba day to coincide with Yom
    Ha'atzmaut is deliberate. Palestinians actually commemorate Nakba
    day twice, once on the Independence Day which is celebrated by the
    Hebrew calendar, and again on May 15, the Gregorian calendar's date of
    Israeli independence. Thus those Israeli Jews who wish to commemorate
    the Nakba can actually do so on May 15 and still reserve Independence
    Day to celebrate the existence of a Jewish state. That would be an
    act of genuine coexistence. By choosing not to do so, these Israelis
    are not preaching coexistence but merely the existence of one group
    and its narrative: the Palestinians.

    This profound disconnect from the story of Israel and the Jewish people
    points to the tragedy of many coexistence groups. Further evidence
    of the tragedy of the coexistence project is clear from examining the
    village of Neveh Shalom-Wahat al-Salaam, a "binational community" of
    "Jewish and Palestinian Israelis" located near Latrun, built on land
    leased from the Trappist monastery and supported partly by donations
    from abroad. Over the years the voting patterns at the village show
    that while it was once a Meretz stronghold, in 2009, 35% supported
    Hadash and 29% voted Balad (22% supported Meretz). During the Gaza
    war, Shulamit Aloni addressed a "gathering to mourn and protest"
    and called the IDF a "brutal and hedonistic army of conquest." The
    village's "humanitarian aid" project only gives to Palestinians.

    In 2004 Howard Shippin, a resident, wrote about a "Tale of two buses"
    in which he compares the hardship of waiting at checkpoints and the
    security barrier with the suicide bombing of Bus 14 in Jerusalem,
    in which eight people were murdered. He said the murder "can be

    Coexistence is an important value. But coexisting at the expense
    of erasing one's own identity and "understanding" why someone would
    murder people from your own community is not coexistence, it is simply
    becoming the other, in this case a Palestinian. Those Israeli Jews who
    can't take one day a year to celebrate their state are not coexisting;
    they are simply part of the nationalist cause of others.

    The same is true of Neveh Shalom: It is not an "oasis of peace"
    - it is an oasis of extreme anti-Israel hatred; its dialogues are
    entirely composed of people speaking to those who agree with them;
    and its humanitarian aid only helps one side of the conflict. Its
    voting record is proof enough of the fact that coexistence has resulted
    simply in Arab nationalism. That is not a model, it is a perversion
    of the entire concept.

    The writer is a PhD student in geography at the Hebrew University
    and runs the Terra Incognita Journal blog. [email protected]