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Iran Is Not Nazi Germany, And "Sir Winston Peres" Is A Disaster

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  • Iran Is Not Nazi Germany, And "Sir Winston Peres" Is A Disaster

    By Uri Avnery

    Coastal Post
    June 4 2009

    May 2009: First of all, I want to apologize to all the good women
    who are engaged in the world's oldest profession.

    I recently described Shimon Peres as a political prostitute. One of
    my female readers has protested vigorously. Prostitutes, she pointed
    out, earn their money honestly. They deliver what they promise.

    Our president, on the other hand, only tells the truth by
    accident. He is a political impostor and a political sham. To him,
    too, apply Winston Churchill's words about a former Prime Minister:
    "The Right Honorable gentleman sometimes stumbles upon the truth,
    but he always hurries on as if nothing has happened." Or the words
    of former minister Amnon Rubinstein about Ariel Sharon: "He blushes
    when he tells the truth."

    Like a traveling salesman offering a counterfeit product, Peres is now
    peddling the merchandise called Binyamin Netanyahu. He presents to the
    world a Netanyahu we have never known: a peacemaker, the epitome of
    truthfulness, a man with no other ambition than to go down in history
    as the founder of the State of Palestine. A Righteous Jew to outshine
    all Righteous Gentiles.

    HOWEVER, ALL these lies are nothing compared to trivializing the

    In some countries, that is a criminal offense, punishable by
    prison. The trivializing has many guises. For example: the assertion
    that the gas chambers never existed. Or: that not six million Jews
    were killed, but only six hundred thousand. But the most dangerous
    form of minimizing is the comparison of the Holocaust to passing
    events, thus turning it into "a detail of history", as Jean-Marie
    Le-Pen infamously put it.

    This week, Shimon Peres committed exactly this crime.

    Like a lackey walking in front of the king, strewing flowers on the
    road, Peres flew to the US to prepare the ground for Netanyahu's
    coming visit. He imposed himself on a reluctant Barack Obama, who
    had no choice but to receive him.

    Posing as a new Winston Churchill, the man who warned the world against
    the rise of Nazi Germany, he informed Obama with solemn bombast:
    "As Jews we cannot but compare Iran to Nazi Germany."

    About this sentence at least three things must be said: (a) it is
    untrue, (b) it trivializes the Holocaust, and (c) it reflects a
    catastrophic policy.

    DOES IRAN really resemble Nazi Germany?

    I don't like the regime there. As a committed atheist who insists
    on total separation between state and religion, I oppose any regime
    based on religion - in Iran, in Israel or in any other country.

    Also, I don't like politicians like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I am allergic
    to leaders who stand on balconies and declaim to the masses below. I
    detest demagogues who appeal to the base instincts of hatred and fear.

    Alas, Ahmadinejad is not the only leader of this type. Indeed, the
    world is full of them, some are among the staunchest supporters of
    the Israeli government. In Israel, too, we do not lack this sort.

    But Iran is not a fascist state. According to the evidence,
    there is quite a lot of freedom there, including freedom of
    expression. Ahmadinejad is not the only candidate for president in
    the present election campaign. There are a number of others, some
    more radical, some less.

    Nor is Iran an anti-Semitic state. A Jewish community, whose members
    are refusing to emigrate, is living there comfortably enough. It enjoys
    religious freedom and has a representative in parliament. Even if we
    take such reports with a grain of salt, it is clear that the Jews in
    Iran are not being persecuted like the Jews in Nazi Germany.

    And, most important: Iran is not an aggressive country. It has not
    attacked its neighbors for centuries. The long and bloody Iraq-Iran war
    was started by Saddam Hussein. It may be remembered that at the time
    Israel (contrary to the US) supported the Iranian side and supplied
    it with arms. (One such transaction was accidentally disclosed in
    the Irangate affair.) Before the Khomeini revolution, Iran was our
    most important ally in the region.

    Ahmadinejad hates Israel. But it has been denied that he has threatened
    to annihilate Israel. It appears that the crucial sentence in his
    famous speech was mistranslated: he did not declare his determination
    to wipe Israel off the map, but expressed the opinion that Israel
    will disappear from the map.

    Frankly, I don't think that there is such a great difference between
    the two versions. When the leader of a big country predicts that my
    state will disappear, that makes me worry. When that country appears
    to do everything possible to produce a nuclear bomb that worries me
    even more. I draw conclusions, but about that later.

    Moreover, Ahmadinejad - unlike Hitler - is not the supreme leader
    of his country. He is subject to the real leadership, composed
    of clerics. All the signs indicate that this is not a group of
    adventurers. On the contrary, they are very balanced, sophisticated and
    prudent. Now they are cautiously feeling their way towards dialogue
    with the US, trying to reach an accord without sacrificing their
    regional ambitions, which are quite normal.

    In brief, the speeches of one demagogic leader do not turn a country
    into Nazi Germany. Iran is not a mad country. It has no real interests
    in Israel/Palestine. Its interests are focused on the Persian Gulf
    area, and it wants to increase its influence throughout the Arab
    and Muslim world. Its relations with Syria, Hizbullah and Hamas
    mostly serve this purpose, and so does the anti-Israeli incitement
    of Ahmadinejad.

    In brief, the comparison of Iran to Nazi Germany lacks a factual basis.

    FROM THE Jewish point of view, the comparison is even more

    The Holocaust was a unique crime. True, the 20th century has seen other
    terrible acts of genocide, but they did not resemble the Shoa. In
    the Ottoman Empire, a horrifying massacre of the Armenian citizens
    took place, which amounted to genocide. Hitler himself mentioned
    it, saying that the annihilation of the Jews would similarly be
    forgotten. Stalin killed millions of Soviet citizens in the name of a
    monstrous ideology, which had started as a humanist creed. So did Pot
    Pol, who killed millions in order to change society for the better. In
    Rwanda, members of one tribe slaughtered the members of another. And,
    alas, the list goes on.

    But Nazi Germany was unique in employing the instruments of a modern
    industrial society in order to eliminate helpless minorities (let's
    not forget the Roma, those with disabilities and the homosexuals)
    in a prolonged, planned and highly organized process, with the
    participation of all the organs of the state. If the Nazi regime
    had not been overthrown by war, Hitler would have continued with the
    annihilation of many more millions of Poles, Ukrainians and Russians.

    Nothing like that can reasonably be expected to happen in Iran. Neither
    the ideology, nor the composition of the regime nor any other
    indication leads in that direction. As far as its growing nuclear
    capabilities are concerned - the Israeli deterrent power will prevent
    any such thought from arising. (Let's not forget that the only country
    ever to use nuclear bombs in war was our friend, the USA.)

    Nothing that is happening in the world today resembles the Shoa,
    in which six million Jews were wiped out. The Palestinians did
    not kill six million Israelis, and we did not kill six million
    Palestinians. Comparing the Arabs to the Nazis is no less odious than
    comparing the Israelis to the Nazis. Many terrible things have been
    and are being committed in our name - but they are as far from the
    deeds of the Nazis as the earth is from distant galaxies.

    Any such comparison for the sake of some fleeting propaganda advantage
    is trivializing the Holocaust and its perpetrators. If the Nazis were
    not worse than the Ayatollahs, then the Shoa was not so terrible,
    after all.

    In all my contacts with Palestinian leaders, including Yasser Arafat,
    I have always advised them to avoid this upsetting comparison. This
    would also be good advice for our own leaders.

    DOES THE comparison of Iran to Nazi Germany serve Israeli interests?

    Iran is there. It was our ally in the past, and may be our ally again
    in the future. Leaders come and go, but geopolitical interests are
    more or less constant. Ahmadinejad may be replaced by a leader who
    will see Iranian interests in a different light.

    The nuclear threat to Israel will not disappear - not after a (bad)
    speech by Peres nor after a (good) speech by Netanyahu. All over
    the region, nuclear installations will pop up. This process cannot
    be stopped. We all need nuclear energy to desalinate water and to
    produce electricity without destroying the environment. As an Israeli
    professor, a former employee in the nuclear center at Dimona, said
    this week: we must reconsider our nuclear policy. It may well be to our
    advantage to accept the demand of the American spokeswoman that Israel
    (as well as India and Pakistan) join the Nuclear Nonproliferation
    Treaty and a regime of strict supervision.

    President Barack Obama is now saying to Israel: Put an end to
    the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That is a precondition for the
    elimination of the threat to Israel. When the Palestinians, and the
    entire Arab world, make peace with Israel - Iran will not be able
    to exploit the conflict for the furthering of its interests. We were
    saying this, by the way, many years ago.

    The refusal of Netanyahu-Lieberman-Barak to accept this demand
    shows the insincerity of their arguments about Iran. If they really
    believed that Iran posed an existential menace, they would hurry to
    dismantle the settlements, demolish the outposts and make peace. That
    would, after all, be a small price to pay for the elimination of an
    existential danger. Their refusal proves that the entire existential
    story is a bluff.

    And concerning the comparison of Iran to Nazi Germany - it is as
    convincing as the comparison of Shimon Peres to Sir Winston.

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