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Wives Of Current And Previous RA Presidents Join Signature Collectio

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  • Wives Of Current And Previous RA Presidents Join Signature Collectio


    JUNE 4, 2009

    YEREVAN, JUNE 4, NOYAN TAPAN. Zaruhi Postanjian, a member of the RA NA
    Zharangutiun (Heritage) faction and of Armenian delegation in PACE,
    is going to raise the issue of environmental disaster threatening
    the territory in case of Teghut mine operation at the PACE June
    session. The deputy stated it at the June 3 press conference.

    On June 5, the International Day of Environmental Protection, the Group
    of Teghut Protection is organizing a procession dedicated to problems
    of Teghut, Sevan, uranium ores, Sevan's environmental problems. It
    was mentioned that the Group of Teghut Protection has organized a
    signature collection, and nearly 5000 people have joined it in the
    past 10 days. The wives of the current and previous RA Presidents, Rita
    Sargsyan and Bela Kocharian have also joined the signature collection.

    Government's decision on Teghut operation was made in 2007, when
    the current President was the RA Prime Minister. The right of
    mine operation was given to the Vallex group of enterprises for 25
    years. It it envisaged to create 1500 jobs by the agreement. The
    government has allotted an area of 2000 hectares for mine operation,
    75% of which are forests. The agreement envisages that 357 hectares
    of the mentioned territory should be deforested.

    Environmentalists consider that Teghut mine operation will result
    in an environmental disaster, in particular, the environment will
    be polluted, diseases will spread among population in the vicinity,
    as well as flora and fauna will be damaged, some species of which
    are registered in the Red Book. Environmentalists demand that the
    company operating the mine assess mine operation's influence on the
    environment for not 8 but 25 years, with involvement of society and
    international experts, as well as perfection of the environmental
    legislation. According to environmentalists, against government's
    assurances, no step has been taken in this direction.

    Vahram Avagian, a representative of the Vallex group of enterprises
    operating the mine, refuted environmentalists' assertions in his
    interview to journalists. According to him, the organization
    has presented an assession of influence on environment for 25
    years, and all statements on violations of legislative norms are
    abstract. "We have never affirmed that we will entirely neutralize the
    environmental harm. However, our working program envisages to reduce
    to minimum a possible environmental damage," he said. In particular,
    a program compensating deforestation will be implemented envisaging
    planting forests in a territory two-fold larger than the deforested
    one. According to the company representative, the average annual
    deforestation volume will not exceed 10 hectares.

    V. Avagian does not accept, either, environmentalists' assertion on
    water pollution. According to him, the most economizing technology
    from environmental point of view has been chosen, a closed circulation
    system of industrial waters excluding industrial waters' outflow.