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BAKU: Rasul Guliyev: "I Do Not Know Whether The Open Society Party H

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  • BAKU: Rasul Guliyev: "I Do Not Know Whether The Open Society Party H


    June 5 2009

    There is a need to make changes in the party's leadership

    Baku. Elnur Mammadli - APA. Ex-speaker of Azerbaijan, leader of Open
    Society Party Rasul Guliyev interviewed by APA

    -Reports have recently spread that Open Society Party stopped
    functioning. Are you aware of these reports? If it is true, what
    caused this?

    -I do not know whether Open Society Party has stopped functioning. But
    the question is that I can not say which party functions. It does
    not mean that I do not follow the ongoing processes in the country,
    to the contrary I came to this conclusion as I am well aware of the
    process. If the word functioning has not changed its meaning, it has
    nothing to do with the parties in Azerbaijan.

    -Chairman of the party Akif Shahbazov left for Bilasuvar region a
    month ago. He does not comment on the recent processes and the other
    officials of the party say they are unaware of the issues. How do
    you assess the activity of the party chairman?

    -Discussions will be held on the party's inactivity soon.

    -Can we say that you have stopped your political activity?

    -Once I attempted to answer this question. If I am asked again,
    I either did not give a clear answer, or the political situation
    changed in the country. If to express opinion about the future
    of the people and ground it is politics, it means that I have not
    stopped and will never stop my activity. If you mean to influence on
    political and social life of the country, I have been deprived of this
    opportunity. If you can publish the list of the persons engaged in
    politics and the results of their activity, I will put aside classic
    theory of politics and give an objective answer basing on Azerbaijani
    variant of being engaged in politics.

    -There is such a version in the media: The government has given
    agreement to your returning to Azerbaijan and you will come to the
    country by the end of this year. In exchange for it you have to stop
    the party's activity and return to Baku without the team. Is its true?

    -I would like to understand the logic of the Rasul Guliyev, who
    is holding these talks. Why does he do it? The problem of classic
    motherland - foreign country has been eliminated. You can even write a
    book about the nature of the country you have never been to. Azerbaijan
    has serious enough problems in any sphere. Of course, current problems
    differ from those of 1991-1997 and can be solved more easily. At that
    time it was the biggest problem to prevent the chaos and establish
    stability in the country. Now when there is no such a fundamental
    problem, it is much easier to restore western democracy, achieve
    elimination of corruption and ensure the improvement of competitive
    economy in the country. The elimination of these two factors would
    bring to the automatic solution to Nagorno Karabakh problem. I have
    never striven for leading the country. But I will never promise to
    ignore the people's problems. The factors you have mentioned do not
    exist, the party does not function, there is no team, maybe these
    conditions are set before somebody else.

    You know, as you grow older, you bear responsibility more for your next
    steps. An 18-year-old young man considers that a 30-year-old man is old
    and thinks that by the time he reaches 30 he will do much. With this
    opinion you lose time. There is a man whose one act is more valuable
    than the acts of hundreds committed during their life. A wrong step
    may cross out the years you lived. Compared with an 18-year-old man
    a 30-year-old man bear responsibility more, because he is older,
    he can not ignore the weight of the past. A 60-year-old man has not
    moral right to make a mistake. The paradox is that as one grows older
    the responsibility for the future of the country reduces. As you grow
    older, the responsibility for your mistakes, the things you have not
    done for the people becomes more conspicuous. As the youth has no past,
    all their responsibility is the future of the people. It is natural,
    a 60-year-old man can live 10-15 years, while a 20-year-old man will
    live in the country for 55 years.

    -They say you are holding serious talks with the government for
    returning to Azerbaijan. Is it true? Will you possibly come to
    Azerbaijan soon?

    -I am not holding serious or non-serious talks with the government
    and do not think I will ever put forward such an initiative. Such an
    initiative can be made only by the government, because in terms of
    power I do not have an opportunity to hold talks. Taking into account
    that there are forces in the government who will never allow this,
    then there is very little hope that they will make such a step.

    -Open Society Party was established over a year ago. What can you say
    about the activity of the party? Is there a need to make changes in
    the leadership?

    -The members of the party should discuss it and pass a decision. I
    think there is a need for it.

    - What is the OSP present political course: pro-government or
    opposition? After the last presidential election the opposition
    parties don't accept OSP as an opposition party. Do you think to
    continue the present course?

    -We need to return back to history. There never was strong opposition
    in Azerbaijan. The new history of Azerbaijan has three phases:
    1988-1992, 1992-1997, 1997-present. The first period started with
    the protest actions arose from the dissatisfaction of the people with
    settling of first Azerbaijani refugees expelled from their homelands in
    Armenia in Sumgayit. In that period, the Baltic countries, Ukraine,
    Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia and Armenia were forming their
    intellectual opposition on the basis of independence movements. Moscow
    well knew that there were no forces able to form the people's ideas,
    and replaced the country's leader of that time Kamran Bagirov with
    Abdurrahman Vazirov, who was an ambitious man far from the real
    life. The meetings organized by Nemat Panahov, Sirus Tabrizli and
    Sabir Rustamkhanli later in 1988 gave two things to the people:
    first, Krabakh is ours and we will punish all Armenia for even two
    trees cut in Topkhana forest. Second, if Azerbaijan owns its oil, it
    has 10-sm golden cover over its soil. Future Popular Front leaders
    were also known from the tribunes of the protest actions. They had
    no concrete plan and program and nothing except their emotional
    speeches during the meetings. The opposition couldn't be elected
    to USSR parliament in 1989 and couldn't prevent pogroms in Baku
    and justified the massacres in Baku committed by Gorbachov regime
    in 1990. This is Lithuanian massacres, despite that there were less
    victims than in Baku, known abroad as a "struggle for freedom", but
    not Baku events. The opposition leaders looked like actors taken the
    stage. They were busy only with scheduling of their speeches at the
    meetings and therefore there was no Azerbaijani in the democratic bloc
    of USSR parliament in that time. The opposition leaders couldn't draw
    real plans about the future of Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani opposition
    leaders were not known during the collapse of USSR and establishing
    of the independent republics, like Lithuanian Landsberg, Belarus
    Shushkevich, Ukrainian Kravchuk and Russian Yeltsin, and there had
    no real policy and therefore their failure was unavoidable.

    The current and that time opposition couldn't offer to the
    people anything except the slogans and it achieved 25 seats in the
    parliament not via the elections, but through the negotiations with
    the government. The government leaders tried to prevent their main
    rival to return to Baku and to be elected president dispossessing
    his apartment or setting the age restrictions in the elections.

    The opposition couldn't prevent the presidential elections, farce
    over democracy, after August events in 1991. If there was no strange
    return to power by former president Ayaz Mutallibov's in May 1992,
    Yagub Mammadov would win the presidential elections. The opposition's
    rating lowered to 10 percent during their power as a result of their
    policy or impolitic atmosphere they created. Foreign countries,
    including Russia, Iran and US didn't believe in long-term power of
    this government. Even the government's "elder brother" Turkey looked
    incredulously at the Azerbaijan's inadmissible proposals and ideas
    to establish one state and sought for other options. One-year power
    created such chaos in the country in June 1993 that it demanded hard
    work to find way out from the situation. Due to the wrong actions of
    these irresponsible people, large deal of arms, grenade-launchers,
    equipments were seized by separate groups and individuals. Hundreds
    of Azerbaijanis were killed in three years. Vazirov and Mutallibov,
    the weakest leaders in Azerbaijani history, couldn't achieve even
    elementary changes at the apogee of their power and what we could
    expect from them after 1998. Azerbaijan was the last among 15 republics
    declared its independence (even after the Central Asian republics)
    due to "superpower" of opposition. It is next unserious step by the
    persons, having multiple losses in 20 years, to declare themselves
    opposition, and to call others pro-government and it doesn't need
    in response.

    -Do you intend to work with any opposition party?

    -I don't intend to work with any party, which doesn't analyze and
    acknowledge its mistakes and doesn't draw real working plan and
    program, not depending on that opposition or other they are.

    -Azerbaijan will hold municipal elections later this year. What
    do you expect form these elections? Will your party participate in
    the elections?

    -I don't expect anything. I don't know whether the party will
    participate or not.

    -Six opposition parties united in the Movement for Karabakh and the
    Republic. How do you see the activity of this union?

    - I expressed my opinion on this movement six months ago and they
    responded that they could do that and if anyone could do more let him
    to establish something different. They are right. Indeed I am only
    criticizing, but can't establish something. If I know that there
    will be no results, how can I do this work. Founders of this union
    can not speak about its activity. It will be a collection empty words.