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Turkish President Says The US And Western Countries Should Be Aware

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  • Turkish President Says The US And Western Countries Should Be Aware


    Syrian Arab News Agency
    June 4 2009

    Ankara,(SANA)-Turkish President Abdullah Gul has underlined the
    necessity for the United States and the Western countries to be aware
    of the important Syrian stance and role in the region and dealing
    with these realities, pointing out to the conviction of many in the
    west that Syria is main key for the overall issues in the region
    and nobody can ignore her significant role, calling for responding
    to Syria's policy vis-Ã -vis the problems in the region to promote
    dialogue with her.

    President Gul, in an interview given to SANA published today in
    Ankara, said that "through our relations with the United States and
    the European countries we know that these countries do no understand
    the reality of Syria's stance vis-Ã -vis the situation in the region."

    He added that Turkey sought right from the beginning to convey
    the true image to the officials in the west, always telling them
    that Syria is honest in her stances, and calling them on to respond
    positively to her calls for dialogue on the issues of the region, and
    stressing to them that you are wrong and the day will come when you
    see by yourselves that we are right, and they at last were convinced
    with the righteousness of the Syrian position regarding the issues
    of the region.

    We have been aware of the seriousness and credibility of President

    On the Turkish motives behind adopting the Syrian stance at regional
    and international forums, President Gul said : "We have been aware
    of the seriousness and credibility of President al-Asad regarding the
    overall issues that concern the region, and on this basis we proceed
    in our relations with other countries to explain the reality of Syria's
    efficient stances towards all the filed that concern the region."

    Turkish-Syrian relations have become an ideal example

    On bilateral relations and the level of development they have reached
    so far, the Turkish President said, the Turkish-Syrian relations have
    become due to what they have achieved in the past short period an
    ideal example to follow by other countries and that can be attributed
    to the mutual trust, reciprocal credibility, good intentions, and the
    standing brotherly relations between President, Bashar al-Assad and
    the Turkish leadership, have been behind the positive results that
    have been achieved in both countries.

    He indicated that the relations between the two countries are not ideal
    in the bilateral sense only, but they are also important regional
    where there is coordination, cooperation and solidarity with regard
    to the overall issues of the two countries concern.

    He expressed satisfaction over the level to which these relations
    have reached, particularly if the reflections of these relations on
    international relations ar e remembered. He added :"Since we have
    started off with such honest intentions on both sides, the issues
    have gone positively and developed quickly and have reached where we
    are now on he level of development of bilateral relations, because
    when there is mutual trust, honest intentions, and positiveness,
    everything will be positive and difficulties can be overcome easily.

    Syrian-Turkish dialogue conducted within fraternal atmospheres

    "When we discuss any matter between the two countries, we conduct
    the dialogue within a fraternal atmosphere, and this paves the way
    for new cooperation in the field of economy and trade... and this
    helps achieve progress and prosperity not only in Syria and Turkey,
    but in the whole region," the Turkish President said.

    He added "we agreed with Syria to take more practical steps to boost
    those relations through the joint borders, so we deiced to defuse
    all mines planted along the Syrian-Turkish borders and exploit these
    lands in the agrarian field."

    President Gul considered that the mutual confidence is the basis in
    the Syrian-Turkish ties, saying "the confidence is the key and secret
    of international relations."

    Syrian-Turkish relations had important impacts on the situation
    in region

    On the reflections of the Syrian-Turkish relations on regional issues,
    President Gul said "undoubtedly, the Syrian-Turkish relations had
    important impacts on the situation in Iraq which has witnessed
    occupation and war.. Iraq concerns Syria and turkey more than any
    other country, Lebanon also was one of the issues that concern the
    Syria-Turkish relations because we know the importance of Lebanon
    for Syria."

    On how Turkey looks at the future of the peace process in the region
    in light of the stances of the Israeli government which is opposed
    to peace, President Gul said, "Israeli inhumane aggression on Gaza
    blew up all what we achieved through the Turkish mediation of the
    indirect peace talks between Syria and Israel."

    "Now there is a new Israeli government, and everybody is waiting for
    it to declare its explicit stance on peace," President Gul added,
    wondering why everybody in the West had asked Hamas to acknowledge
    the road map and to be committed to it, while at the same time those
    themselves don not say anything to the Israeli officials."

    Israeli officials should change their former attitudes

    He stressed that the Israeli officials should change their former
    attitudes and adopt positive and serious stances on the peace process.

    The Turkish President called on the friends of the Israeli government
    in USA and Europe to play an effective role to bring the Israeli
    officials to make this change and take the required attitudes towards
    the issue of peace.

    He added, "After all this, if Israelis said they are ready for peace
    with Syria, then we would consider if we go back to the mediation
    or not. This is of course after we are convinced and certain of the
    credibility and seriousness of the Israeli officials, where Syria
    has always proved to the whole world its credibility towards the
    peace process."

    The Turkish President said that the international circumstances and
    the new US and European policies that undertake the peace issues may
    affect the Israeli government's stance. Concerning the Palestinian
    issue Gul said, "There has been a direct coordination and cooperation
    with Syria with regard to the Palestinian situation as a whole."

    He also said, "Right from the beginning, President al-Assad expressed
    confidence in the Turkish role not only in the Palestinian cause,
    but also regarding the Turkish mediation of indirect talks between
    Syria and Israel, adding that "The Arab-Israeli conflict is a matter of
    concern for Palestine, Syria and Lebanon as well, and that without the
    Syrian-Lebanese tracks there will not be a real peace in the region. "

    President Gul indicated that Turkey is waiting to see what Israel
    will do regarding the issue of peace, and accordingly "We will build
    our steps in light of the Israeli policies concerning relations with
    us and peace with the people of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon."

    The Turkish President said, "Everybody should adopt establishing the
    Palestinian state with all its elements on the Palestinian land and
    working to achieve this goal. Palestinians must put an end to their
    disputes and unify their ranks to realize the national interests
    of the Palestinian people. All Palestinian sides should take their
    national and human responsibilities."

    President Gul expressed regret that the West and others have not given
    Hamas movement or its leadership enough opportunity to demonstrate
    its views and confirm its credibility in the issue of peace.

    Turkey understands Hamas' stances on the Palestinian cause

    He added, "From the beginning, Turkey has had positive understanding
    of Hamas's stances on the Palestinian cause. We have confirmed that we
    did not have any special interests in any relation with any Palestinian
    or Arab party, and peace and stability for everyone has always been
    our goal."

    On Arab-Turkish relations, President Gul said, "We had some problems
    in the past, but we overcame them. I, as a President, a PM and a
    Foreign Minister, visited the Arab League and signed a cooperation
    agreement. Turkish-Arab relations had important outcomes, some of
    which was electing Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu as Secretary General of the
    Organization of Islamic Conference with an Arab support, as well as
    electing Turkey as a member at the International

    Security Council.

    In a response to a question, Turkish President said that "Turkey
    is an important Islamic country and that President Obama's visit
    to Turkey comes in the framework of the importance he gives to the
    Islamic world, where he raised the motto for change on the level of
    both internal and external policies."

    He added that he discussed with US President the overall of the
    regional issues, at the top of which were the Palestinian-Israeli peace
    talks, in addition to issues of Iraq, Syria, Iran and Afghanistan,
    indicating that President Obama listened carefully and said that he
    will make use of our points of view in dealing with the those issues.

    Concerning international changes and their impacts on the region,
    Turkish President expressed hope towards America's new policies under
    Obama's administration indicating that Arab countries should shoulder
    their responsibilities and unify their attitude before demanding
    anything from the U.S.A. and work together for common interests of
    Arab Nation.

    He then questioned Arab countries' dependency on the USA. at the time
    when they have to pose their viewpoint on Americans and Europeans
    confirming that if they were able to do so, then they would be heard
    in Washington and European capitals.

    Ending occupation in Iraq and returning s overeignty to it is very
    important On the developments in Iraq and Turkey's vision of its future
    after American withdrawal, President Gul said," Iraq is an important
    country in the region and we always feel pain for Iraqi suffering",
    stressing that ending occupation and returning the sovereignty to
    Iraqi people is very important indicating that according to the
    schedule of withdrawal,announced by American President Obama, things
    will proceed positively.

    He added that what is important here is that Iraqi officials should
    shoulder responsibility, work together for Iraq and agree on a
    national programme that unify them and solve all of their political
    and economic problems meanwhile countries in the region should help
    Iraqi people to survive after the American withdrawal.

    Iran is very important country in the region

    On Turkish attitude towards Iranian nuclear file, President Gul
    pointed out

    that Iran is an important country in the region and we, in our talks
    with all parties, try to clarify the image for all, to facilitate
    and to encourage these parties to continue their talks.

    "We are not mediators in the exact meaning; we just encourage dialogue
    between Iran and Americans on one side and Europeans on the other
    one concerning this issue." He said. About the future of Turkish
    -Armenian relations, he said that openness

    towards Armenia is very important in terms of the future of Turkish
    -Armenian relations and then of Azerbaijan -Armenian relations and so
    on security and stability in Caucasus region adding that they try to
    remove obstacles because they don't want any problems with neighbours
    or the others.

    On Turkish -European dialogue about turkey joining the European Union,
    president Gul indicated that Turkey will go on exerting efforts
    to join the EU since it is much more important geographically and
    economically than the ten countries which have joined the EU recently
    adding that Turkey is still working on democratic reforms since they
    benefit turkey and meet the EU's requirements.

    President Gul pointed out to the development has been achieved since
    2002 under the leadership of Justice and Development Party drawing
    attention to the fact that the Turkish experience has become a
    pattern to be followed in fields of economy, policy and international