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Russia Blames Uzbekistan, Armenia For Delay On Rapid-Response Forces

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  • Russia Blames Uzbekistan, Armenia For Delay On Rapid-Response Forces


    June 3 2009

    Moscow, 3 June: Uzbekistan's and Armenia's special positions are
    causing a delay in the execution of the agreement on the creation of
    the Collective Rapid-Response Forces [KSOR] of the Collective Security
    Treaty Organization [CSTO], the CSTO's Secretary-General Nikolay
    Bordyuzha said today after a meeting of the CSTO defence ministers who
    studied package of documents which form the legal basis for the KSOR.

    "There are several disagreements between six CSTO member states and
    Uzbekistan on the functioning of the KSOR," Bordyuzha said.

    "Armenia is insisting on more concrete dates for the forces to be
    ready," he said.

    However, Bordyuzha said: "I am firmly convinced that on 14 June,
    directly before the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council,
    we will come back to this question and finally prepare the agreement
    on the formation of KSOR to be signed by the presidents."

    The press secretary of the Russian Defence Ministry, Aleksey Kuznetsov,
    told ITAR-TASS today that Russia "is providing an airborne division
    and an assault brigade for the force".

    "The KSOR is intended to ensure collective security of the CSTO
    member states. In addition, they will fight international terrorism,
    illegal trafficking of weapons and drugs and trans-border crime,"
    Kuznetsov said.

    "Decisions to use the KSOR will be made on the basis of the current
    situation for every individual case," he said.

    Kuzentsov also said that the Russian Defence Ministry has started
    working on the formation of single standards in equipping KSOR military
    contingents. In view of this, proposals will soon be prepared on
    general approaches to ensure operational compatibility of the KSOR, for
    instance, on their equipment with weapons, compatible communications,
    singe uniform, insignia, etc.

    "Today we showed our partners examples of field uniform made in
    Russia. We suggested that they could supply with them KSOR military
    contingents," Kuznetsov said. [passage omitted]

    The president's aide Sergey Prikhodko explained earlier that the
    KSOR, unlike the Collective Rapid-Reaction Forces [KSBR], will be
    permanently deployed on Russia and other countries will sent their
    forces to Russia. It is expected that the core of the new subsystem
    will be Russian military formations capable of resolving new tasks -
    the 98th Guard Airborne Division and the 31st Guard Assault Brigade,
    which could be later strengthened with forces from the Emergencies
    Ministry and probably from the Interior Misitry.