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This Was A Criminal Irresponsibility Towards The State

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  • This Was A Criminal Irresponsibility Towards The State

    Interview By Siranush Papyan

    13:59:01 - 05/06/2009

    Interview with the ARF Dashnaktsutyun candidate for Mayor Artsvik

    -Before the election of the Yerevan Elders' Council, the
    representatives of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun assured people, that the
    party has a great potential to control the election for breaches not
    to take place. Nevertheless, many electoral frauds took place. What
    electoral frauds did you register and why did not you manage to resist
    having great potential?

    -That is true. We made all our organizational efforts to be able to
    struggle against electoral breaches. Our efforts did not give results
    due to several reasons: first, unlike other elections, during this
    one, the breaches were coordinated, and replacing one another, they
    managed to work the biggest machine of frauds. Second, at least the
    75 percent of the breaches had a latent character, in other words they
    were hidden. If we compare this election to the previous one, when the
    breaches took place inside the polling stations, this time the great
    part of the breaches took place out of the polling stations. People
    were determined when coming to vote, but this determination was not
    reasoned by their stances. I think this is a real challenge for all
    of us.

    -Nevertheless, did the ARF Dashnaktsutyun registered concrete frauds
    and will the party appeal to the Central Electoral Commission?

    -I mentioned that the great part of the breaches were of latent
    character, which are very difficult and even impossible from the
    legal point of view. For example, when people were transported to
    the polling stations in cars, at first sight, there seem to be no
    breach of law from legal point of view. From this point of view, we
    do not have any registration of breaches, but we have registrations
    of breaches of local character, in particular, double voting, but
    they cannot serve the ground to declare the election invalid. Our
    political assessment of this election is that this was a criminal
    irresponsibility towards the public, state, our future generations,
    we are not going to reconcile with this thought and will form our
    further agenda. Our main aim is to appeal to the Central Electoral
    Commission or to the Constitutional Court.

    -What do you have on your upcoming agenda?

    -There are no elections in the forthcoming three years and we have to
    be able to work with the society. In my personal opinion, the Armenian
    society is not ready for a change of government the responsible of
    which are all of us. When you meet people, who insult the government
    for worsening their lives, but when the time comes to change the same
    government, they go to the election and vote for the governmental
    candidate for money, this means that the members of the society do
    not realize their own well-being and that of the whole society. I
    think that all the political parties, which are interested in this
    question, would have one aim to carry out work among the public in
    this connection.

    This arouses other questions, the main of which is the active
    participation of the opposition in the government of the state. I think
    that the work with the European bodies in this connection should be
    enhanced and promoted. The opposition should really have a tangible
    influence on the government. The second is that we have to realize that
    the government formed in the streets cannot secure the fulfillment of
    national wishes. The third is the work with our society. After all,
    members of the Armenian society must realize the value of their vote.

    - In an interview to, the Republican press speaker
    Eduard Sharmazanov, dwelling on the fact that the OYP and the ARF
    Dashnaktsutyun did not pass the limit of 7 percent, stated that it
    is connected with the change of candidates. In other words, in case
    the candidate was Vahan Hovhanisyan the figures would be others.

    -I don't know what Sharmazanov meant by saying this. There is no
    problem. Vahan Hovhanisyan and the whole party was with me. It is not
    me who has to asses myself, it is the party who gave the assessment
    and the public. I thank all those people, who voted for our party. As
    many people dwell on the fact that the Dashnaktsutyun did not get
    many votes, I think that this is a challenge and I, as a young
    political figure, think that it is very important to perceive right
    the challenges, involving all the sober forces, especially youths.

    The fact that the party decided to promote my candidature, was not
    my initiative or my whish, but that of the party, and I, as a party
    member, had to obey their decision. As a young political figure,
    I decided to use new electoral culture in this election I mean new
    agitation methods: direct meetings with people and debates with
    political figures. I did not have any response in case of the second
    part, which proves the political weakness of our candidates.

    If the Republican Party stated that it will give the function of
    controlling the Yerevan Elders' Council to the HAK as opposition,
    I think that the HAK would agree to work there.

    - Was the HAK right to refuse the mandates?

    - In my person opinion, it did right as there was no alternative.

    - Before the election, the Dashnaktsutyun became opposition, did it
    help or hinder you?

    - It is obvious that when a force leaves the government and becomes
    opposition, it needs much time and great work to become opposition
    and to let the public realize it. And it is not a question of one or
    two months. From this point of view, it hindered us. I'm sure that
    the public will see a new more powerful Dashnaktsutyun within the
    forthcoming months.

    On the other hand, this political attitude, gives you more possibility
    to act freer. While, being in the coalition, your coalition forces do
    not hinder you. While in opposition, they will not only hinder you,
    but also will try to create obstacles. This election did not differ
    from the others from this point of view.

    The statements that this was an imitation, and the ARF Dashnaktsutyun
    cannot be real opposition, brought about the decrease of the
    Dashnaktsutyun votes. I understand when these statements are made by
    the governmental camp, but it comes out that the oppositional camps
    struggle one with the other to seize votes form each other. Different
    oppositional fields tried to harm us during the agitation, which I
    assess as steps of weakening.

    -Has the opposition weakened?

    -It has After all, both of the HAK and the ARF Dashnaktsutyun
    registered votes, which are fewer than they did at the presidential
    election. This proves that both of the forces have much to do. This
    is the reason why I state that the work with the public must be on
    the upcoming agenda. If we don't manage to do it, this will mean that
    we don't have anything else to do.

    The fact that there are people in the two oppositional fields, who
    have personal hatred against each other, should not bring about hatred
    between the political forces themselves. My personal opinion is that
    the HAK will re-form its rows one day.