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What A Ride III- Glendale & Special & Burbank

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  • What A Ride III- Glendale & Special & Burbank

    By Garen Yegparian a-ride-iii-glendale-special-burbank/
    Jun 5, 2009

    Not only was the election with me as a candidate very illuminating
    (see What a Ride II), but Glendale's April 7th and California's May
    19th Special elections must also serve as eye-openers.

    Let's start with California. As you'll remember, the big issues
    were fours propositions, placed on the ballot by the legislature
    as part of the solution to a large budget deficit. All but one of
    the six measures failed. The one penalizing legislators is the only
    one that passed. That's odd, because voters are part of the problem,
    having tied the hands of the legislature through various initiative
    ballot propositions (i.e. those put their through petitions). Now,
    the State Senate and Assembly are in a situation similar to having
    an over-constrained set of equations in math.

    Both ends of the political spectrum voted against these ballot
    measures, though obviously for different reasons. The Democratic end
    because of limitations placed on future ability to expand expenditures
    in better times, the Republican end because of opposition to taxes. But
    the latter side's legislators have been doing that since these problems
    began. At this point, they're simply being obstructionists, not
    governing but grandstanding. Had a reasonable action, the RESTORATION
    of the highest tax bracket- eliminated in better financial days-
    been taken when first necessary six or seven years ago this whole mess
    might have been avoided. So now, the Republicans, and obviously their
    constituents who keep electing them and therefore must agree with
    this approach, should bear the brunt of the budget pain. I say let
    the cuts being made fall largely on their districts. Since they're
    so convinced the state government "wastes" money, they should have
    no problem living without the benefit of those expenditures.

    On my other electoral recommendations: It looks like Paul Koretz
    (for whom I recommended a vote) will win a very close race for LA
    Council District 5, though the count is not yet final. In the LA City
    Attorney race, Carmen Trutanich has won. You'll remember I recommended
    a coin-flip-hold-your-nose-vote on this one. For the LA Community
    College Board, one of my endorsees won- Nancy Pearlman, but not the
    other, Angela Reddock. Finally, in the 32nd Congressional District, my
    candidate Judy Chu emerged as the Democratic candidate with the most
    votes in that special election. It is a heavily Democratic district,
    so she'll win in the runoff.

    Let's move on to Glendale. As you know, the results are perceived as
    a disaster from an Armenian perspective. This was due to internal
    divisions and personal vendettas on the one hand and external
    manipulation n the other. Armenian turnout was in the vicinity of
    42%, certainly higher than the overall average, and something to be
    proud of.

    Internally, a small segment in our community with business,
    specifically building/development related, felt outright wronged by the
    incumbent Armenian City Council members and took it upon themselves
    to seek the former's defeat. They succeeded in knocking one of them
    out. How? By supporting other candidates and, more importantly,
    scattering the Armenian vote by fielding more Armenian candidates. In
    this, they were aided and abetted by other candidates and political
    operatives. Three of the seven Armenian candidates who ran stood
    NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of wining. Unsurprisingly, they placed ninth,
    eleventh, and twelfth, out of the twelve candidates. These people
    should be shunned in the community.

    Another bellwether race was that for Glendale City Treasurer. Rafi
    Manoukian, challenging the incumbent, got 10,449 votes. But by my count
    (possibly by no more than 25 due to misspelled names, by the County),
    10820 Armenians voted, just over 42% of the total 25,651 turnout. You
    figure out what this means. Here again, internal rivalries and
    antipathies cost votes.

    The school board election results, while not positive, were at least
    not disastrous. The Armenian incumbent and a non-Armenian ANC endorsee
    won. However, the two know-nothing Armenian women, who have run before
    and are huge spoilers, did their job again. Somehow these two fear- and
    hate-mongers who are an embarrassment to our community must be removed
    from their cable TV perches whence they spew their inanity and win over
    the ill-informed newcomers to this society. But for them, another well
    qualified Armenian would likely have gotten elected. The city clerk
    (uncontested) and college board (four candidates vying for three seats)
    results were unsurprising and positive for the Armenian community.

    Two important issues must be addressed. When personal interests and
    community needs conflict, a mechanism for constructively addressing
    such clashes must be instituted. Otherwise, we'll forever be bewailing
    our losses, as we've done for the same reasons over the last three
    Glendale elections. The other, who has a rightful claim to Armenians'
    votes? Any i/yan?

    Finally, Burbank, home sweet home. I've received compliments for
    a well run campaign. There were some early stumbles, but in the
    General Election, those were remedied. Armenian turnout approached
    38%, here again well above the overall average. What's really a
    mystery is how the person who finished fourth in the primary was
    able to more than double her vote count in the General election,
    coming about 200 votes shying of toppling an incumbent. Scuttlebutt
    has it that a serious effort was made by Republican Party operatives,
    though I have difficulty believing that was sufficient. Partly, it may
    have resulted from voters who wanted to throw out one or the other
    of the incumbents jumping on her bandwagon because she was closest
    to the top three votegetters in the primary, which included the two
    incumbents. Another explanation floating around in the community is
    her parents' long-time ownership of a restaurant and the familiarity
    that engenders. Likely, it is a combination of these factors.

    The anti-Armenian sentiment in Burbank is also stronger than I
    thought. Not necessarily in terms of the number of people who bear such
    ill-will, but the depth of it among those who do. Hopefully, within
    few years will clear this up as the familiarization and integration
    processes progress, outreach and education efforts expand, and the
    older generations pass.

    But the most amusing incident came the weekend after the election. For
    this, you'll have to watch this or other newspapers of the Garen for
    Council website. It should be up within two weeks. Enjoy it.